In case it has not already been mentioned, we live in Canada. As such we are privilege to observe and enjoy a wide variety of weather. We also spend a great deal of time talking about the weather – it is a fascinating subject.

Picture taken from our back patio door of the ice storm that came through about a month ago. It was pretty and deadly in its own special way.
Currently it is winter in the northern hemisphere. And for Canada that means snow, ice and cold temperatures. Now, I know there are places in this country with colder temperatures, with more snow, with a greater claim to winter than where I sit. But I must note that a high of -22 C with added win-chill is not bad. Blue skies and a white layer of pretty snow makes for a lovely landscape. The frosty air is chill enough to cause damage to skin if left exposed for any length of time. And it is going to be properly cold for much of this week. This is winter and I am delighted to have it.
What I truly don’t understand are the people who spend all their time complaining about the weather. What else do you expect at this time of year? Granted we might be a smidgen below seasonal. Still, it is not like we are exposed to spring rains in January – that would be a tragedy. Not only do people complain that it is too cold now (so cold we don’t have to worry about snow and the roads are great for driving), but they will then complain we have too much snow (gosh, you need to use a shovel in the middle of winter!) or that we have freezing rain (which is a sad complication of warmer temperatures – see colder is better). Come spring these same individuals will certainly criticize the rain, the soggy ground and the inevitable flooding. Summer is too hot, too dry (sometimes too wet with thunderstorms) and autumn brings the hurricanes and tornadoes. Really, just think of all the fuel for conversation we have just living in a country blessed with four distinct and creative seasons. Does the frigid, white winter make the sultry, sunny summer all the more pleasing?
Yup, I love living in a part of the country touched by weather – even the current cold.
*Also, I confess I have absolutely nothing else to post about. I work (which is dull to write about). The books I have read most recently have been good (neither praise-worthy nor rant inducing).