

Well, that’s a bit of a lie. It’s not technical difficulties we’re experiencing just time management issues. I blame the supervisor.

To give a heads up, all three of us are in a rather tight crunch of time this month. Kait has her unending task of bringing the light of education to the world. I am in a sweep of editing, creating and photo setting. Derek just likes avoiding this site.

All three of us are also working on our separate novels for this month as well. I made earlier mention of finding some story I could post in the interim that would require no work from to put up. Alas, it seems I have exhausted my stockpile of content for these emergencies and, as such, have been unable to produce any content. This is post is mostly an apology as well as an update to inform you to not expect anything until April has concluded.

I am sorry. I am sure you will understand. In good news, by the end of the month I shall have my trilogy completed. So that is cause for celebration.

Derek, however, won’t even have single “act” of his done. He is the biggest slacker amongst us so we can’t truly be surprised. Anyway, tune in next month for our regular scheduled programming!

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About Kevin McFadyen

Kevin McFadyen is a world traveller, a poor eater, a happy napper and occasional writer. When not typing frivolously on a keyboard, he is forcing Kait to jump endlessly on her bum knees or attempting to sabotage Derek in the latest boardgame. He prefers Earl Gray to English Breakfast but has been considering whether or not he should adopt a crippling addiction to coffee instead. Happy now, Derek?

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