Tag Archives: space opera

Only Bad Options

Book Title: Only Bad Options
Book Series: Galactic Bonds
Author: Jennifer Estep
Stars: 5 / 5

Spoilers Ahead!

Book cover for Only Bad Options by Jennifer Estep. Image from the internet.

It is summer vacation time and I read a book: Only Bad Options. Jennifer Estep’s new series, Galactic Bonds, has two books at the time of writing this post. Book one is called Only Bad Options and book two is  Only Good Enemies. This post will quickly review book one so I can get back to reading book two!

Only Bad Options has a great title. It is so relatable. Some days you are faced with only bad options and that is the premise for our female protagonist: Vesper Quill. In attempting to reveal a fatal flaw in the design of Kent Corps’ latest spaceship, Vesper angers the head of the corporation (her employer). Vesper is a disposable research and development grunt worker, whose report gets her unwillingly conscripted into the military and shipped off planet to die in battle. 

Vesper is a minor Seer, an ability that helps her figure out how things work or need to be fixed. This talent comes to her aid, allowing Vesper to survive the battle and collect one of the most feared warriors during her exit. Kyrion Caldaren is an Imperium Arrow, an elite weapon used by the leader of the Archipelago Galaxy, Lord Callus Holloway, to kill his enemies. Despite their personal feelings, a Galactic Bond or Truebond forms between the pair. What many see as a great blessing, Vesper and Kyrion see as a curse, a dangerous curse. 

Of course surviving the truebond is complicated by the enemies that come after Vesper – her former employer wants Vesper dead and she will use any method possible to ensure that happens. Kyrion may be bonded to her, but his loathing for truebonds means that he is just as likely to kill Vesper as help her (at least initially). Besides, Kyrion comes with even more baggage and enemies for Vesper to navigate. 

While many issues are resolved at the end of book one, there are many more problems still around for book two. Sure, Vesper doesn’t need to worry about Kent Corp coming after her. And yes, she has finally gotten over her last boyfriend. But the Techwave rebels are supported by Regal families (the nobles of this galaxy) and they want to tear down the current government. At least they want to dethrone Lord Holloway. Of course, Vesper and Kyrion would also like to take down Lord Holloway – without anyone discovering they are bonded. 

Book cover for Only Bad Options and Only Good Enemies by Jennifer Estep. Image from the internet.

I like this rollicking space opera romance. It is great fun. There is lots of action, some great character building, solid bad guys and a perfect blend of magic and technology. This fits right along with writing by T.A. White (featuring elves in space), Jessie Mihalik (featuring nanobots), and Ilona Andrews (featuring gene manipulation).

Now I am off to see how book two ends!

Girl from the Stars Book 1-Daybreak – Book Review

Gir from the Stars is a five book series by Cheree Alsop. I read the first book Daybreak, which I thought was fine, but not nearly good enough for me to invest in purchasing four more books. I might have ordered the rest from the library, if my library carried this series. Since I found the series lackluster, I wasn’t going to write a review. It wasn’t terrible enough to deserve a good rant and not good enough to share with the world. Still, beware of spoilers.

But that changed. I was browsing the synopsis of the other four books – out of curiosity – when I discovered these books have really high ratings, life 5 stars (out of five). Why? I am baffled. While the plot chugged along, the characters were not the best I have read. The crew of the SS Kratos is a cliched mix of different aliens. But since the aliens were not well described, I feel like they are all early Star Trek – humans with different coloured skin and eyes. Especially as the lead is half human half damaclan. Clearly we have some mingling of genetics which means the aliens are more human than not. 

*** Insert break while I actually read the reviews of other readers, rather than just looking at the star count. ***

Book cover for Daybreak; book 1 in the Girl from the Stars series by Cheree Alsop.

Okay, I am going to do something a bit different I am going to comment on some of the common reviews of other people. 

First, I am noticing that people who liked the book liked the fast pace adventure and the main character’s ability to kick ass. I will agree that Liora Day (the half Damaclan warrior with a traumatic past) can kick ass. She is also filled with flaws, like the inability to work with or communicate with others. An interesting problem as she is also a telepath. Yes, I appreciate that she can fight hordes of bad guys, but I am less enthused by the fact she is constantly being rescued by men. This does detract from her strength as a character.

Sure, the story moves quickly. Unfortunately this fast pace means we skip past actual character and plot development. For example (because examples are important): in the opening chapters of the story, the Captain of the SS Kratos is killed. One of the Lieutenants is sworn in as new captain. What is mentioned in passing, is the new Captain is the son of the previous Captain. There is no explanation as to why father and son are serving together. There is very little time spent on how  Devren is coping with the loss of his father. He is granted one moment of grief, then continues on his day. Also, why did Devren rescue Liora from the cruel circus? And why not any of the other imprisoned species? 

I will ignore the giant world destroying artifact that is tossed into the book as a key plot element that everyone will fight over. But I will not just support Captain Devren’s decision to withhold the device from his government. Yes, I am sure many of his superiors are corrupt and going to use the artifact for evil purposes. But, Devren is the son of a Captain. He has a long space military history. He is used to following orders – at least he should be. Why is he suddenly defying generals, throwing his lot in with the rebels he had previously been fighting against and in one quick move condemning the rest of the crew who we are led to believe Devren views as family? A little more dialogue would have gone a long way on this point. 

A number of people commented on the books ending, or lack thereof. I can see what they mean about it being abrupt. However, I am not entirely opposed to the loose ends of the final chapters. I am more bothered by the journey to that point. The motivations of the characters and how they interact with each other and their world is the greater flaw. Devren is a great example of a character who does things because the plot says so. There is very little justification. Liora also does things, like go off on her own to hunt down her stepfather she suddenly learns is still alive. As a character she swings back and forth between running away from everyone else and trying to belong. While this is a great internal conflict, it needs to be explored more thoughtfully. Otherwise her actions hold no logic.

This feels like the author wanted an epic space opera. There are elements of Star Trek in the superficial nature of the universe and the multiple species, all working well together and all appearing mostly human. Unfortunately, the book lacks the character development to make the crew of the SS Kratos memorable. Thus it is difficult to be bothered by their deaths. Also, how big is this crew? Or the ship for that matter? 

The kick ass nature of Liora, her random falling in love with the doctor, and the mysterious (yet very evil) creatures of her childhood feels more like Star Wars. Unfortunately, neither aspect is well developed. So the reader meanders between two leads: the ship’s crew and the female warrior. In the end, neither side is satisfied, but a lot of messy action happens in between. 

For the potential of the storyline and the effort to have a non-sexual male-female relationship, I give this story 3 out of 5 stars. Hopefully, the writing gets tight over the rest of the series, though I doubt I will ever know.

Fractured Stars – Book Review

It is summer and that means I have time to read! Welcome to my book review. Today we will look at Fractured Stars by Lindsay Buroker. Note: there may be spoilers, but they are pretty mild I think.

Fractured Stars follows McCall Richter and Arjun “Dash” Deshmukh. McCall finds things, criminals, missing shipments, that sort of thing. She is not really a bounty hunter, as she will call the law enforcement to collect any of the bad guys she does find. But she is successful, owns her own ship and has two big secrets. First, she helped to liberate an android – it is not stealing if the android didn’t want to stay with its previous owner. Second, she is autistic – high functioning, but definitely struggles with people. There is surgery in this futuristic world that would correct McCall’s autism, but she doesn’t want to have it done. Especially after living her whole life this way. 

The book cover for Fractured Stars from the internet.

Dash is a weak Starseer, a former bounty hunter and currently a spy for the Alliance. Working as a deputy with a cyborg sheriff, Dash recognizes McCall from his earlier life as a bounty hunter. He knows she is good at her work and that she has scooped a bounty from him on more than one occasion. He is also enough of a Starseer to realize that McCall is hiding secrets. 

Their adventure is set before the events of Lindsay Buroker’s Fallen Empire series. Set in a future of teraformed planets with high tech cyborgs and magic starseers, this is a fun space opera adventure. The empire has not fallen, but it is not loved either. And the Alliance is growing. While McCall and Dash have different goals, they do work together to escape a prison, recover a ship and hide their secrets for the people around them – as best they can.

Lindsay Buroker has a great world set in space. It is rich, complex and full of stories. This book is both very different from and very similar to her Fallen Empire series. They are both set in the same world and both feature strong female characters owning their own ships. These are people who want to live between the stars, not bound to one single planet. Romance does happen. Does that mean the characters are any less strong? No, I really don’t think it does. 

Further strength comes in different ways. Yes, both Alisa (from Fallen Empire) and McCall are problem solvers. But where Alisa will dive head first into a fight or sweet-talking another, McCall will take a different approach. For McCall people are more of a problem.

This short story prequel tells the story of how McCall acquired her four-legged companion, Junkyard. It is a cute story and really shows off how the character thinks and looks at the world.

One of the setting aspects I really like is the conflict between the Empire and Alliance. Buroker does a really good job discussing the benefits and drawbacks of both systems of governance over her series. I really like that the Empire, while generally described as the bad guys also has its strong, well-reasoned supporters. 

Fractured stars is a romance adventure – a space opera. It is well written with thoughtful and engaging characters. It is a great book. And I am deeply torn. I love that it is currently a stand-alone. However, I also really want to read more about McCall and Dash. 

5 stars out of 5 – it was a really good read.

Happy Canada Day!