Tag Archives: Skyrim

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A Tale of Two Mods

It’s the middle of the summer and outside of complaining about the weather, I have little to share. Unless people would be interested in my vacation to Algonquin. Here it is:

It was buggy.

So instead, I’m going to share my thoughts on how I’ve been spending my free time over the last several months. This site has certainly documented much of my video game enthusiasm – perhaps even documenting too much enthusiasm in the process. However, one thing I really enjoy about this little hobby – and experiencing it on the personal computer no less – is the breadth of experiences you can enjoy. While console gaming which requires the use of a television and a dedicated machine is more popular, the ever present computer has a long history of wildly different opportunities. You can have varied products like exacting flight simulators find success alongside two dimensional whimsical farming games about falling in love with your sheep. Or you can play Dota and give up on just about anything else.

Another oft-spoken perk of the computer is the open access. This applies to both developers (as visual novels are finding their first success there and will likely spread onward) and those that would love to know what developers do. PC games have a lovely history of modification which has led to the creation of wholly new genres of games in the process. Even games that weren’t designed to be modded by their playing community can be wholly changed with enough ingenuity and dogged persistence.

Xcom (the reboot) is a lovely example. It was initially developed by Firaxis for both console and PC use. Many would complain that its design was hamstrung by this split focus. I would, certainly, because anyone trying to navigate some of those pre-fabricated maps with a mouse will instantly see how poorly optimised it was for none joystick manipulation. Its code was pretty locked but somehow a small, dedicated team was capable of releasing the Long War modification that drastically turned a lot of the reboot’s systems on its head.

Accessed from http://media.moddb.com/images/articles/1/146/145811/400px-Enderal_Logo_DE_01.jpg

Enderal: The Shards of Order belongs to SureAI and its associated artists and whatnot. The rest belongs to Bethesda I think? Not sure how mods work with regards to copyright.

Then, of course, there are the massive overhauls on games that are designed to be tweaked and changed by the gaming community. Bethesda may release questionable quality games in the first-person/role-playing domain but their support of fan made changes is to be lauded. It was the one thing I could never understand as Bethesda’s reputation was built and they received commercial success: the joy and enthusiasm for console gamers to have Bethesda port their work to their systems even if they owned a personal computer. For sure I can understand the (misguided) desire to experience what others were enjoying but for me Bethesda’s worlds have always been wonderful little sandboxes awaiting you and your own tools to come and make of them what you will. Some of my best hours have been in heavily modded Bethesda worlds and it’s the sole reason I keep close attention on their newest releases even if they go ahead and shove a dialogue wheel and voiced protagonist in my Fallout franchise.

Thus, I was really excited for the announcement of two fairly long awaited community mods and the time to poke around in them. Over the last six months I have put quite a few hours into Skyrim’s Enderal and Xcom 2’s Long War 2. What makes these two mods special, outside of being complete reworks of two games I love, is that they’re both sequels to community beloved releases that I never played. Enderal is the follow-up to the Oblivion overhaul Nehrim: At Fate’s Edge by SureAI. Derek played it and the mod itself was so well received that several enthusiast publications had it nominated for best role-playing game in the year of its release. I never got to try it since I was busy doing… something. And I rather regretted never getting around to it.

Enderal: Shards of Order is quite obviously a direct sequel as it makes several references to what I assume happens in Nehrim. My first impression of the mod was largely impressed with how incredibly easy it was to install. Not only did it come with its own executable but it had its own mod launcher which I immediately used to apply some of my favourite quality of life mods. Course, this turned into a typical Bethesda modding experience very quickly: spend two days trying to get it to work then not touch it for a week due to life, work and just needing a break from getting all the fiddly bits to cooperate. However, if you’re just hoping to hop into Enderal without any third party (fourth party?) additions, then what SureAI releases is a god send. The executable also packages up your old Skyrim folder so that, when you’re finished with Enderal, you can uninstall it and enjoy all your other mods you have for the main game.

And if Enderal is anywhere close to Nehrim, I can see how the other game got so much praise. There’s a great attention to detail and clearly a lot of work put into the mod. It’s a pretty near revision of the entire scope of Skyrim. The map, characters, races, magic, levelling system, crafting systems, narrative, menus, armour and combat are all pretty much new. If you’ve plunked five hundred or so hours in the original game, it’s really refreshing to jump into something entirely new. You’re basically getting a new game without having to buy one!

And there’s a lot that Enderal does that’s really good. The story is the biggest improvement and definitely why you’d download the massive conversion. Bethesda’s stories are… workable at best. But Enderal is heavily informed by its narrative. It’s a reminder of the old top-down role-playing games of the late nineties and early two thousands like Baldur’s Gate. In it, you play a character touched by… fate I guess and this gives you access to magic and memories that aren’t your own. Thus, you level through unlocking abilities corresponding to different archetypes. Course, these are your stock warrior, thief and mage but you’re free to pick and choose to discover cute combinations of abilities. Me being me, I was leaning heavily on the mage tree but was starting to make a stealthy mage build that leaned on turning invisible and killing things before they found me. If an enemy didn’t die to my initial backstab, I fell back on otherworldly summons and ghostly bows while keeping away from any retaliation.

As such, I don’t really know how well the warrior and most the thief reworks function but it was certainly a different experience than playing a mage in Skyrim where I could summon demons to do most the fighting for me while I stood back and tossed the odd fireball or stabbing for a short paralysis enchantment with my craft dagger. Enderal definitely had a different vision for its world and how magic and all the underlying systems wove into it. Your progression isn’t tied to your levels and fantastical elements were, on the whole, largely subdued. You aren’t crafting demon armour and becoming godly powerful after about eight hours into the game.

Accessed from https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/78683-0-1473655637.jpg

The art is just beautiful in the game.

Course, a large part of that is changing how the player levels their character. Enderal relies on classic methods of character progression. You earn experience through the completion of quests and after a certain threshold is reached, you’ll receive your next level which grants new perks and an increase to your health, stamina or magic. Skyrim, on the other hand, levels your skills through use. Which leads to the obvious abuse of people doing mindless actions over and over again to pump their abilities as quickly as possible instead of staggering it throughout the entire journey.

And this bleeds into my issues with Enderal. Don’t get me wrong, I love it and think its marvellous. But it’s just not Skyrim. And there’s just something about being in a world created from Skyrim assets with a camera mode suited for Skyrim gameplay and exploration but being stuck in a different kind of game’s mechanical system.

I will readily agree that Bethesda’s games have significant design issues. But part of those arise from its design philosophy. I don’t feel that Bethesda is striving to make good role-playing games. Which is good because they typically don’t. Instead, they create these weird simulation/rpg hybrid experiences. The fun of Oblivion and Skyrim isn’t going through a high fantasy story of good and evil that concludes with the slaying of a god (though that’s ostensibly what Bethesda creates). No, the enjoyment comes from the hunting of an elk across a blistering cold field, felling and skinning it then returning to the nearby village to sell the furs to afford a warm room at the end of the night. It’s learning of some forgotten ruin by a tavern patron and poking through spider filled tunnels for long lost treasures that you immediately sell to afford a modest house in the trade district.

It’s all about the stories you make within the game world with Bethesda’s “crafted” experiences serving simply as window dressing or framing to contextualize the personal journey you take. Which is why I’m so adamant about modding my Bethesda experience to get exactly what I want from the game.

And the whole time I’m playing through Enderal, with its carefully crafted quests and interwoven story, I keep thinking “This isn’t what I want.” At least, it’s not what I want in the format that I’m being presented. There’s this weird disconnect where the systems are at odd with the core presentation. I kept searching Enderal for side villages and little personal stories to craft for myself. But they don’t exist. Sure, there are hidden collectables that reward going off the beaten path but I was more apt to stumble into mobs of enemies well beyond my current capabilities (necessitating that I toss my poor spirit pooch at them as a I sprint madly past) or I came across areas strictly sealed off because I hadn’t progressed through the game far enough to unlock them.

I kept having the fantasy world simulation broken by the necessity for telling me the fantasy story.

Had Enderal been presented in any other fashion – say even in a third person, top-down perspective – I’d be entirely behind it. But more than anything, I kept thinking how it wasn’t Skyrim. It wasn’t allowing me to play some dastardly thief merchant who stole from the one town that had slighted him in order to peddle the villagers belongings a few holdings over leaving them with nothing. There’s simply no room for that in Enderal. It addresses all the complaints people level against Skyrim but in doing so it completely guts the spirit of Skyrim.

It is an entirely different experience.

So I was torn and it’s part of the reason that I’ve abandoned it. It’s good. It’s really good. And I did enjoy the characters and the narrative that they offered. But instead of it making me think “Yes! This is what Bethesda should have done all along!” it made me appreciate more what Bethesda had accomplished. I came to like the flawed systems of Skyrim more while playing Enderal. I liked knowing that areas wouldn’t become too easy to the point of trivialised simply because I hadn’t explored them early enough in my wandering before I progressed past the point of their design. I liked that there was a better contextualisation of levelling up in Skyrim due to practicing and perfecting a skill rather than just magically knowing how to wear heavy armour better because I delivered a letter to a grieving mother detailing the final moments of her missing son.

And as I was playing through Enderal and getting a better grasp of its system, I kept thinking of different character builds I’d like to try that I know I never will. Because anytime I think of restarting the game I remember the lengthy intro sequence and I realize I’d have to go through all those early game zones that are unchanging and with no opportunity to strike out in a new direction. It would be the exact same experience except I could kill the enemies in a slightly different manner.

For the gameplay systems of Enderal to really work, I feel you have to use the traditional presentation systems that it mimics. You need a simple perspective that allows greater content creation and deemphasizes the personal element because those old systems are so impersonal.

Now, I’ll probably try and get through Enderal because its quests and world are so well crafted that I genuinely want to see how a lot of it concludes. I just need to divorce myself from its presentation and remind myself that, while it walks and talks like Skyrim, it is anything but Skyrim.

I’m not sure things will fare as well for Long War 2.

Accessed from http://www.pavonisinteractive.com/360pxPavonisLogoCirclefinalBold.png

Pavonis Interactive likewise own their stuff and Firaxis the rest.

I am definitely one of those players that cranks the difficulty up on most games then downloads mods to make things ever harder. Long War for Xcom: Enemy Unknown was so well received that I was excited to hear the same people (Pavonis Interactive) were going to do a second for Xcom 2. The only reason that I didn’t play Long War was that I was so incredibly tired of playing the same maps over again in the original reboot. Even after the handful of additional maps added in the expansion couldn’t entice me back for yet another run through the same damn bar or train station. Since Xcom 2 had procedural generated levels (sort of), this wasn’t going to be an issue.

And for awhile I really digged the changes that Pavonis introduced. I found their classes quite interesting and was amazed at how much changing up the core classes really freshens up gameplay. Not only that, but all of the Long War 2 classes had three options of perks to choose whenever a soldier levelled so there were even more combinations to consider. I liked their idea of liberating regions and infiltration as it really emphasized the guerrilla warfare theme that was hardly utilized in the original’s release.

It was difficult too. I had to turn down the difficulty for the mod, though I refused to budge off Veteran (even while it was kicking my ass as I learned the systems). It was fun, refreshing and exciting. I was entirely behind the release and could really see why I had such widespread appeal.

And then I cross the twenty hour benchmark and realized that I had made so little progress.

Long War 2 really demonstrates the adage “There is beauty in simplicity.” To be fair, my forthcoming complaint is readily warned in the mod’s name. It truly is a long war. It’s far longer than I can possibly devote to it. I don’t have endless hours in the day and sometimes I may only have an hour or two a night to play. It’s thus incredibly frustrating to get so little progress done in that time. Even more frustrating that there are many missions in Long War 2 that will take over three or four hours to complete on their own!

In order to diminish the “issue” of the godlike alpha squad in Xcom – a group of four soldiers so powerful that they complete all battles for you in the end game – Long War introduced many changes that would ensure you had a high rotating roster in your barracks. Now, I know I read that part of my difficulty was that I also included several map pack mods that increased variability and Long War 2 was most certainly not designed to accommodate them. But when you have a squad of ten soldiers routinely facing off against maps of 50 or more aliens, the game stops being fun and strategic and turns into a massive grind.

Some people may like that. I do not. And it’s not like Xcom is a short game either. When I dropped Long War 2 and went back to grind some achievements, it still took up to two weeks in order to finish a single campaign on normal. I don’t know if I could do a Long War 2 campaign to completion (at least a completion that wasn’t a loss) in six months – of my actual, real life.

Accessed from http://www.pavonisinteractive.com/LongWar2b.jpg

Goodness did Pavonis return the terror of Chryssalids though.

That’s a level of commitment I’m simply unprepared for at this stage in my life. Which is unfortunate since some of their improvements like the adjustment to enemy AI are truly wonderful.

There were other complaints I had for the mod but they pale in comparison. Now, I recognize I was playing Long War 2 during one of its earlier iterations. I’m passingly aware that they have released a new version – ostensibly to remove the fact that a two party infiltration team was pretty much the best way to approach most missions – but am unlikely to return. From my understanding, the massive time commitment is an intended portion of Long War 2. And Firaxis have announced an expansion for Xcom 2 that appears to have some of the better ideas from the mod team incorporated into it.

Which isn’t to say that I wouldn’t want Long War 2 to exist. In fact, I think their mod makes Xcom 2 better. Partly, it allows me to appreciate what the original developers did but overall it creates a more impressive form of communication between creators and fans. It allows a sharing of ideas that really can’t happen in any other way. The original works inspire a new generation which can then turn around and influence those that came before them. It’s rather remarkable and probably one of the best things to come from this type of open system.

So while Enderal and Long War 2 aren’t really for me, I’m happy that I had them.

Roleplay or Foreplay?

I have sung the praises of Bethesda and their Elder Scrolls games before but as I work through the DLC for Skyrim, I feel a public service announcement is in order.

Never buy a Bethesda game at launch.

Not ever. I dutifully picked up Skyrim when it first came out in 2011 since I enjoyed Daggerfall and Oblivion as well as being generally excited for the game from its pre-release information. Fast forward three years and I finally purchased the Game of the Year edition because their stupid DLC never went on a decent sale. I could get the full game again with all the bells and whistles for less than two of their downloadable content. That’s simply inexcusable given that I even supported the developer at launch when those first sales are the greatest price and most important.

So never again. I’ll wait the year and a half to get your completed version on discount.

Images captured from Bethesda's Skyrim and taken by me.

Images captured from Bethesda’s Skyrim and taken by me. Also, Serana has the worst plans in the world.

Anyway, this is beside the point. I still enjoy Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls series. It’s one of my personal preeminent roleplaying game series. As I’ve said before, there is no matching the sense of being dropped in a fantastical world and the wonder or exploration you can feel while exploring its farthest corners on your own, personal adventures.

There is an ugly side, however. Whereas most my roleplaying games will sink or float based on their narrative, I spend most of my time in the Elder Scrolls trying ever so politely to ignore the writing. For the most part, I can do a decent job. The series is full of minor side quests which can eat an astonishing amount of time as you crawl through dank caverns and pull yourself up to astonishing vistas. Who cares if the woman sending you half across the province in search of her husband’s amulet has neither character nor charm? I’m on top of the world battling dragons, trolls and brigands!

Unless, of course, you’re doing a DLC adventure. No one would ever argue that the main questline of an Elder Scrolls game was ever noteworthy. In fact, the best I can say about the writing in Oblivion was that the Dark Brotherhood storyline was “not bad.” That’s truly the greatest praise you can offer. Unfortunately, the DLC seems to only offer main quest line content.

Well, it’s all side questing to be fair. And Hearthfire is, perhaps, the more excusable content. Hearthfire gives you the lovely option to build a house instead of purchasing the prefabricated ones that launched in the game. Granted, you could do that with some very clever mods, but there was also the ability to adopt children included which is what truly made the game. So, I really like Hearthfire and it’s sob story orphans which are sprinkled across all the holds in Ice Age Tamriel.

Classic example where meta-knowledge dictates that there are no negative outcomes to a suggestion which has no good rationale behind it

Classic example where meta-knowledge dictates that there are no negative outcomes to a suggestion which has no good rationale behind it

Dawnguard, unfortunately, went a more narrative approach. There is no other way to say it–it is awful. When the developers moved the focus to their writing, the product truly struggles. Lengthy, involved questlines were never the series strong points and Dawnguard follows the tangential struggle of the titular organization as they attempt to rally support and resources to confront a rising vampire menace. The player is thrust into the middle of the conflict, initially through constant waylaying of devious vampires dressed in their adversaries garb (though always conspicuously standing over dead, stripped bodies making their ruse near immediately foiled) waiting along roadsides at random intervals. If the player wishes to end these random encounters, they’re encouraged by town guard to head towards Fort Dawnguard and seek out its leader, Isran.

When done, the player finds a cliched, grissled and wizened man who has lost near his family and friends due to his single-minded pursuit in ridding the world of all vampires. A noble aspiration, to be sure, but one that would have sounded pretty cracked urned had the player not been tripping over vampire corpses on the way to the fort. But the very first mission Isran tasks you with reveals why the Elder Scrolls is so bad at doing any sort of real narrative.

When tasked with discovering what happened to the Hall of the Vigilant (the original vampire hunters before Dawnguard was delivered), the player discovers an ancient ruin with a cadre of vampires searching it for… something. Of course, the player murders them all and discovers the secret box in the centre and I was legitimately surprised to see that it held a woman.


Intimate. Like those three times I bumped into vampires on the road and they accidentally infected me while I was cutting off their heads.

I was less surprised when this woman turned out to be a nagging clinger who was required to hook on to all of your quests as it followed whatever frustratingly boring family issues she had. Any time Serana opens her mouth, it’s like I’m being transported into a modern BioWare game dripping with cliches and shallow writing. The girl immediately requests you escort her home because it’s late and she’s out well beyond curfew. When you arrive to the soaring Gothic stronghold, no one is surprised to learn Serana’s father is the epitomous Lord Harkon and the villain of the DLC storyline. The man spends about one minute extolling the virtues of being a giant vampire jerk and offers to induct you into his court as a new vampire lackey.

So, immediately, whatever pretense of a story is shattered as the very first mission reward is the game blatantly asking you “Do you want to be a badass vampire or a badass vampire hunter?” I went with hunter because the thought of having to bomb around at night looking for pointless victims to suck their blood in order to keep myself from looking like I’m not some mythical monster that needs immediate execution the moment I look towards a town did not appeal. Course, stupid Serana immediately whisks after me to Fort Dawnguard to stop her father from twirling his mustachio over whatever silly “dark and emo” plan he’s hatched.

I’m just going to say it: vampires are stupid. I’ve only ever seen them handled well once and that was in Vampire the Masquerade. But VtM does something different with vampires that most people forget or ignore: they treat it like a curse. Sure, you get badass powers and immortality but the game’s core mechanics run around how much being a vampire truly sucks as you’re caught now in an intricate web of vampire politics and the ever growing sense that everything that kept you humane and moral is being slowly eroded away in the very act of simply surviving. No, most people prefer to lean on the “dark and sexy” motif of vampire culture and anytime they appear I feel like I’m stuck hanging out with the goth kids in high school again who want to sit around in their black fishnets writing bad poetry about how much the world misunderstands them.

Dawnguard falls directly in that category, in case you’re wondering.


Is that romance in the air? Or the lingering stench of a portal to hell and the decade old rot of failed necromantic experiments?

Seriously, Serana’s whole storyline is about how much her parents “don’t get her” and spend all their time telling her what to do and not letting her do what she wants to do. I hate her, her teenage angst and the fact that she’s awful at holding enemy aggression while I’m playing on Legendary difficulty because all she does is sparkle the villains with her stupid red glitter.

I also hate how the game very blatantly writes in a romance option for her and that I mindlessly click on it every time.

I can thank BioWare for that instinct but, truly, it’s a problem with modern game design in general. From Persona to Dragon Age, players are encouraged to whisper honeyed words into the ears of their companions until they have a veritable harem tripping at their feet. Weirdly, as our technology gets better, our ability to simulate interactions get worse. Moral decisions have devolved into basic “good” vs “evil” binary choices. If you’re given a choice at all, of course. Skyrim doesn’t offer any true decisions beyond whether you want to do a quest or not. If you get a choice, however, there’s no functional difference between them. Say, I tell a woman I’ll find her cat out of the goodness of my heart, I’ll be rewarded just as well as if I blackmailed her with embarrassing photos of her kitty in sweaters prior to locating the animal.

Thus, I would be surprised if the vast, vast majority of people didn’t always take the “good” option when given a choice. There’s no negative so why not be heroic and paid for it? Furthermore, when given the option, why not be nice to your companions when given the opportunity? If it is a BioWare game, I’ll likely be able to level up their stats, get better equipment or some other tangible result by telling them what they want to hear. I don’t know what will happen if I keep flirting with Serana but I heavily suspect that I’ll be able to convince her to cure herself of her vampirism if I keep it up.

I’ll probably get a sweet bow too.

And this brings me to the reason I wrote this post in the first place. I’ve just met Serana’s mom (because yes, we’re that far along in our relationship) and had probably the most eye rolling moment ever in my 200 hours of puttering around in Skyrim. Serana’s mom decided to give me a lecture on the value of my word because I’m a vampire hunter and she can’t truly trust me that I have Serana’s best interests at heart because I make a living hunting vampires.


Coming from a woman who feeds off the blood of defenceless rabble and locks her doors with their still warm intestines, I don’t think you know what noble means.

I wish I were joke. A vampire was trying to frame the moral narrative as though I were the oppressor and she some poor, innocent minority just trying to make her way in life beneath my brutality and wickedness. A VAMPIRE. That’s how lazy we’ve become in our narrative writing. The writers seem to be simply on auto-pilot here, feeling as though they need some perspective twist or raising of the stakes. It’s so bizarre and tone-ignorant of their own work as the character had literally just finished telling me about how she chose to be a vampire after dedicating her life to a demon prince that extols the virtues of murder and slavery. I just came from your house, woman, where you decided entrails and viscera made lovely floor decor! Oh, how tragic that some uppity human would consider the mindless, uncaring slaughter of their kind as an offense which needs to be curbed and stamped out. In fact, I don’t even need to murder you since getting vampirism cured in the Elder Scrolls is generally as easy as walking up to a statue and rubbing your face against it!

And of course, throughout this discourse I chose the options wherein I assuaged her concerns over my intentions for her daughter and promised I’d free her of her imprisonment and vanquish her murderous husband so she can return to her quiet life of necromancy and trying to sell innocent souls to otherworldly masters in exchange for power. Had this been anyone else at the helm, this script would be satirical and subversive of genre tropes. But it’s not and it makes its quality all the more painful. At least with the awful main quest, I intersperse it with twenty hours of murdering cave elves.


How could I ever misconstrue you offering the souls of tons of innocent people to a bunch of floating, life sucking crystals in a plane of endless darkness and bone as evil? How judgmental of me!

While I’d love for sweeping changes to how narratives are valued and viewed across the industry, I think the easiest first step would be to address simple interactions. Look, if we’re going to have mindless “good response/bad response” then at least have our NPCs react to them differently. If I live in a world and someone offers to go find me the loveliest mammoth tusk in the steppes, why am I going to turn around and pay them as much gold as it would cost to get the damn thing from the shop two feet from where I spend my hour lunch? No, if my adventurers are stupid enough to not negotiate a reward, then NPCs should undervalue their service. You want to be appropriately reimbursed for your work then you’re not a hero: you’re a mercenary. And if you’re going to sweet talk every girl that walks by, you’re not a charmer: you’re a womanizing creep.

It’s high time that the game started treating us as the monsters we are. Maybe then developers will be forced to make their actual monsters terrifying in order to compete.