Tag Archives: Pleroma

Pleroma Groups – Merrin Lankester Foundation

I am faced with an unfortunate predicament. While I was lax on my duties towards this site during April as I toiled away on a 90,000 word project, I failed to realize that upon completion of that work and the loosening of my very constrained timetable I would be left with nothing to offer this website in terms of thoughts or work. I have spent little time enjoying the modern expressions of art in order to offer a worthwhile review of movies or literature. I have not written anything of my own accord that could be posted for enjoyment either. Alas, it seems, I must fall back on Derek’s own excuse for a topic and put up some more Pleroma information.

Accessed from wga.hu

A Friar Tempted by Demons by Salvator Rosa (1660-1665).

After checking to see which groups I have posted before, I realized that I had been focusing only on daemonic groups (of a nature). The goal behind Plemora, at least from a flavour perspective, is to create a world. As such, my musings and thoughts are still relevant to this website unlike some drab examples of gameplay – Derek! But, as part of that world creation I knew that I wanted more than one explanation for existence. I wanted to reflect the complexity of actual modern life and this is demonstrated in the Paradigm theming of different groups. To take that idea further, I wanted to include the taste of systems and ideas that would only tangentially affect our players but hint at happenings and struggles faced by others in this universe.

Today’s offering, thus, is a short glimpse into that idea. The Merrin Lankester Foundation is unique, from a flavour perspective, in that none of the members are daemonkin. They do not derive their gameplay from housing the essence of a supernatural entity within their body. Instead, they are but one face of the people living in a world plagued with possessions and invasions from the supernatural world. They are normal (to a degree) people reacting to this startling and terrifying revelation. In my mind, if Pleroma were successful, one of the many directions would could expand it would be towards fleshing out and detailing the systems that govern these groups. While in the base creation they would follow the standard rules Derek makes in regards to draws and how they interact with the players, if we were to open gameplay up to these “hunter” characters for playing we would have a different tweak to the system to demonstrate their unique experiences and abilities. However, for now, they represent the most likely organization disconnect from the daemonkin system that would be involved with daemonkin.

This is because the Merrin Lankester Foundation (M.L.F.) actively seeks and destroys these entities. They are the Van Helsings, Buffy Summers and Saint Georges of the Pleroma universe. In their eyes, these creatures are monsters, plain and simple. They feed and devour man and society in their own selfish and destructive desires. The only defence humanity can hope to raise is to entrust these special individuals who walk their own damned path in the hopes of stemming a tide that could very well destroy all the world. Of course they’re going to feature the similar self-damnation theme that daemonkin examines, I’m not looking at completely ignoring all that daemon stuff.

Accessed from web gallery of art, my go to for classical art www.wga.hu

Manfred and the Alpine Witch by John Martin (1837).

Merrin Lankester Foundation (M.L.F.)

Leader: Elsa Kostopulos
            The Merrin Lankester Foundation is a private security company and research/development firm established in Europe. They hire themselves out to whoever can afford their services be they governmental, private or religious. Aside from a steep price tag, the MLF appears to have a keen interest in historical texts and documents. But they do not run standard protection services. The MLF deals specifically with the supernatural. Armed with a suite of custom designed technology, the MLF hunts and destroys daemonkin wherever they are given clearance. They are no Technocrats or magi, however. Operatives for the MLF rely on their skill and knowledge. Where once they were dismissed as inconsequential, the MLF have risen as one of the world’s leaders in exterminating the supernatural and developed a comprehensive network of resources and allies that can make even the most organized daemonkin nervous.
            Like most other organizations, the MLF has a vested interest in keeping the daemonkin threat restricted to a “need to know” basis. They typically seek out clients who are already aware of the dangers of the pleroma unless they have gathered information of an immediate threat that would warrant the revelation of the supernatural at a localized level. This restriction in their dealings have kept them safe from agents infiltrated in the world’s government as well as limit the information their enemies can gather of their goals and motivations.
            The MLF has attempted to open branches in both America and Asia but have made little progress with either. God’s Hand serves a similar function in America and they view MLF as rivals to their own aims and keep senators and legislators from allowing the MLF operational access to American soil. There has been little headway into Asian countries as well, and a few leaked documents from the MLF hints that they perceive a great threat is undermining their efforts. There has even been some clashes between MLF with the other humanistic organizations of H.A.I and the Institute though over what, none of them will admit.
            The MLF identifies itself as a humanistic organization. This, of course, flies in the face of the actual humanism movement with its focus on the spirit of reason and free inquiry at the rejection of supernatural and theistic framework. Of course, this isn’t entirely doable when the supernatural is a very real and constant threat. Instead, the MLF follow a more ‘militaristic humanism.’ They believe that humans possess the right to govern and live without the interference or influence of the supernatural. They believe there is a certain “experience” to being human that carries its own responsibilities both ethically and morally and that this experience is under threat by the supernatural. A structure based on reason and social justice is impossible with the spectre of the supernatural that hangs over it.
            The MLF views all supernatural entities as foreign invaders who do not carry any interest in the betterment of humanity and actively interfere with a reasonable and democratic society. They argue that true equality is impossible with such wholly alien entities who exert an unnatural influence on the functioning of the world. It makes the Minimum Statement (Affirm that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. Stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities.) impossible and threatens the free will of its citizens through immoral and unnatural abilities. The supernatural is not meant to be bargained with and are an external threat which they must face and expunge.
Accessed from wga.hu

Witches in the Air by Francis de Goya (1797-1798).

Cult of Reason:
            The roots of the MLF stretch back to the French Revolution and its attempt to replace Christianity. One could see the basic principles of the ancient Cult of Reason as the foundation stones for the Foundation. These directives are to push for the perfection of mankind through the attainment of Truth and Liberty through the guiding principles of Reason. The old Cult went so far as to promote congregational worship to the ideal of Reason represented by Lady Liberty in the place of Mary.
            With the growing understanding of the pleroma and faith, the MLF has realized that a completely secular approach to humanism is, currently, impossible. Thus, they have adopted the old trappings of the Cult of Reason and encourage the veneration of the triumvirate of Libery, Reason and Truth. However, the highest ranking members are quite and ceaseless in the recitation that these are not gods but abstract beings. For too much veneration of a singular entity could potentially bring into existence that which the MLF seeks to expunge. Instead, they maintain that the properties of the Cult’s worship do not belong to some external being but are fundamental components of humans themselves. This they argue through the collection and accumulation of ancient magical documents pertaining to ascension and the generation of power within the individual.
Vanguard of the Damned:
             In a sense, the MLF recognizes itself as a necessary evil. They must become that which they fear in order to combat their foes to pave the way for a future where neither shall exist. They strengthen themselves with dogma and faith in order to allow an environment where a society free of dogma and blind faith can exist. In the vision of the future held by the MLF, they will be no longer necessary. In their world, the following elements and principles would hold sway:
      1. Need to Test Beliefs – conviction that dogmas, ideologies and traditions, regardless of political, social or religious origin must be tested and not accepted on faith.
      2. Reason, Evidence and Scientific Method – a commitment to the use of critical reason, facts and science in seeking solutions to human problems
      3. Fulfillment, Growth and Creativity – the three concerns for humanity in general.
      4. Search for Truth – a constant examination for objective truths under the knowledge that our perceptions are imperfect and new information and experience alter our biases.
      5. This Life – no concern for an afterlife. If successful, the MLF would sever the connections between the physical plane and the other planes isolating the cycle of energy and keeping a land freed from higher powers
      6. Ethics – a codification of universal conduct and principles that enhance all human well-being and individual responsibility.
      7. Justice and Fairness – elimination of discrimination, inequality and intolerance.
      8. A Better World – the founding principles of Reason, Truth and Justice will create a more tolerant, progressive and idealistic future.
            As such, the MLF is incapable of fulfilling all these principles if they hope to combat the threats to human interests. In particular, they dismiss the first and second in order to strive for the seventh and eighth. In creating their own rigorous dogma, they insulate themselves from corrupting influences from the pleroma which gives them the tools to fight its threats but makes them incompatible for the future they desire. Thus, in order to fight the damned, they must become damned themselves.
Any Means Necessary:
            Recognizing the scale and power of the threat they oppose, the MLF takes a very broad approach. They do not have the technologies of the H.A.I or other Technocratic groups nor do they have the divine blessing of more faith based Hunters. They strive the middle ground, strengthening themselves through their devotion to their own principles or adopting what new advances and technology they can in order to be strong enough to face their foes.
            In essence, the MLF is composed of all three types of Hunters. They have those that utilize technology to level the playing field with daemons. These MLF operators will utilize body armour, a slew of military hardware both experimental and conventional and whatever local resources they can obtain to eliminate their targets. They will be the first to attempt controversial implants or utilize the most stable of a Technocrat’s arsenal.
            Then there are the devotees. These agents are more like faith based Hunters, having given their entire dedication to the Cult of Reason. They shield themselves through the worship and blessings of Reason, Justice and Truth and tapped into the pleroma energy generated by this veneration to fight.
            Finally, the MLF will employ the vagabond Hunter. These are the solitary and often isolated individuals without any remarkable resources to combat the supernatural. Many maintain this is how the true MLF first began before its organization. It was just a few individuals who came to the horrific realization that there are other things that stalk our world and tried to put a stop to them without any remarkable methods or tools. Armed with just knives, handguns and their own wits, they rely on superstitious local rituals and luck to get them through their battles. More often than not, these Hunters discover that most “traditional” hunting tools was essentially to dope up before combating a monster. The mental heightening properties of many drugs can give almost a supernatural level of prowess unachievable through sobriety. Needless to say, the vast majority of these hunters usually succumb to the inevitable addictions developed in their hunting careers. With their access to alternative methods, the MLF doesn’t encourage this route with its agents but more often than not, their recruits are usually already experienced in this method to embrace another route.  These are also the recruits that are usually brought in with prior experience and, as such, the MLF has been attempting to institute a new hiring method that will find suitable candidates which they can then train in a less dangerous hunting method though given the ease of use, many recruits fall into habitual drug use anyway often as a supplement to their other tools before wholly embracing the addiction. 

Pleroma Groups – Eschatii

Have not been able to find an old story. Very busy this month. Take quick look at some Pleroma work to pass the day. Here’s another faction that I’m working on:

Access from http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/giotto/exorcism-of-the-demons-at-arezzo-1299

Exorcism of the Demons at Arezzo by Giotto (1297-1299)




Leader: Unknown (Possibly None)


The Eschatii are a vicious, diabolic and twisted lot. They are the daemons devoted to the flesh and blood. They reveal in their demonic heritage, seeing their power as a tool to be used and not hidden or shunned. Power is truth and those who hold power control existence. The Escatii do not shy away from practices because of societal taboos or restrictions. Nothing is sacred to them, no act is too depraved. Because of this inhibition, the Eschatii have developed a potent blood/flesh magic where they can tap into the power of life within themselves and others. Due to their relationship with blood, they can often be found within the most pervasive religions and cults, their presence often blurring the lines between worship and debauchery.


Look at these creatures about you, these pathetic animals. So consumed in their ignorance, too blind to even regard their own weaknesses. They are foolish to not notice the wolves amongst their own flock. Never forget you are better than them: you are more than human. You are a nightmare, the very stuff that keeps their children awake at night. You are that indescribably horror their instinctive lower brains fear. For every chain there is predator and prey. Remorse is reserved for the wolves that would pull out their own teeth and swallow grass. You are more than then. Embrace your monstrosity. It is what separates you. It is what elevates you above all else.

Wisdom of the Fallen:

Eschatii are one of the few organizations that recognize the separation of the daemonkin from men. A daemonkin can not survive without feeding off his fellow humans. Without sustenance, a daemonkin would wither and die consumed by the very powers that grant them such terrific strength. The moment a person is afflicted represents an enormous metamorphosis. They have been chosen, whether through fickle fate or divine providence, to be removed from their fellow man. They are destined for greater things. They are no longer part of the mortal existence.

Whereas many daemonkin will attempt to remain attached to their former lives or try and minimize their impact on the human populace, the Eschatii revel in their transformation. They take the ideas of demonic possession and monstrosity to new heights. While most daemonkin organizations seek anonymity and shy away from deep interaction with humans, the Eschatii flourish amongst the chattel. They hide in plain sight, feeding brazenly in the open and using their powers for fear and intimidation. They are the primary image of a daemonkin in the eyes of the Hunters – horrific beings that leave death and destruction in their wake. They can not exist quietly within any community for eventually the taint of their presence will drive everyone around them mad.

Power of the Veins:

Eschatii often infiltrate communities, using their abilities to create small, tight-knit cabals of followers and worshipers. They pretend to be great magicians, ancient beings of unknown origin, blessed prophets, divine healers or even Gods descended from the Celestial. They promise the secrets of their powers to all those that are faithful. So persuasive are the Eschatii that even established organizations are often easily infiltrated and manipulated by them. If the Initiative revisionist history is to be believed, Eschatii are the cause of the Inquisition – corrupting churches to their own worship and whipping their parishes into frenzied masses whose only thoughts are of debauchery and blood.

For it is blood that the Eschatii truly prize. To them, the very essence of a person is the blood in their veins. This circulates the essentially energies throughout the entire body. It is what sustains a person’s physical body. It is their most prized nourishment and Eschatii are known for bathing, drinking and manipulating the blood of their followers. So consumed are they, that some Eschatii draw horrific power from the very consumption of human flesh. AID agents who have investigated the wake of an Eschatii infestation have documented residual energies as powerful as that which they transmit but from apparently originating from the corpses left behind. While most considered this blood magic, the manner and manipulation of the Eschatii is beyond anything anyone has ever performed.

Witnesses report the Eschatii follow very ritualistic behaviours before and during their use of their terrible powers. Some suspect that these rituals are what separate the powers of the Eschatii from traditional magicks. Others argue that the Eschatii actually contact beings beyond the Celestial, existing in a darker space wholly alien to the cycle of death and rebirth. They argue these dark masters grant the Eschatii their terrible abilities. The truth may never be known, for those touched by the Eschatii rarely survive, and if they do they are never the same. Their minds are forever twisted by the depraved wisdom of the demons.

Workers of the Last:

The Eschatii seemed focused solely on destruction and carnage. Unlike the Mawnists, Eschatii rarely claim any unifying higher motives. Some will be obsessed with the End of Days, Final Judgement, Dissolution or a general Apocalypse. They might see themselves as the agents to bring about the final hours of the world. Others just appear to revel in the mayhem and madness. There is very little commonality between Eschatii members. As a result, these daemonkin often exist alone or in small groups. It seems their very consuming nature naturally drives each apart for fear of destroying themselves.

And it could very well be that none of the Eschatii truly have any unifying philosophy beyond their destruction. They may just tap into the natural fascination that organized cults and religions have for the final days, and draw on these vivid images in order to ingratiate themselves amongst their victims. Their unending drive to feed and destroy naturally isolates them from other daemonkin who would never appreciate the attention the Eschatii draw. They are one of few forces that can temporary unite the Circle with their enemies as everyone attempts to locate and eliminate this threat.

Course, the Eschatii’s reputation for consuming daemonkin is another source of concern. The Eschatii rank as one of the greatest dangers, along with the angels and the Institute. Unlike the others, however, the Eschatii will often lure their victims to their own demise, promising to help them survive or to unlock even greater power within the new daemonkin. It is through their manipulation that many horror stories abound of entire Havens being destroyed through welcoming an Eschatii into their fold. The foolish daemonkin who instigated this massacre is never heard or seen again. Survivors can only imagine the terrible fate held for those foolish enough to trust these demons.

Feasts of Fear and Blood:

Though terrible and merciless, the Eschatii often exhibit telltale signs of their presence. Like a parasite, there is a curious correlation between Eschatii feeding and the Flock of the Host. Like an animal learning to adapt to its environment, the Eschatii have learned some tricks for surviving in a world that generally seeks their eradication.

The most insidious method involves the co-operation of two or more of the members. This is usually initiated by a powerful Eschatii daemonkin well versed in their potent type of power. This individual will often infiltrate himself amongst the clergy of a local religious institution. There, he will preach of debauchery and the decline of society, spinning a rhetoric of the End of Days all too readily embraced by the congregation. To supplement his sermons, he will direct his co-conspirators to feast brazenly in the streets.

The horror of the butchery and debased feeding of his peers often drive many more to the congregation. The Eschatii promises protection and succor for those who come under their protection as the world seemingly grows darker and bleaker outside. Over time, through ritual and indoctrination in the trappings of the faith too often already focused upon blood and ritual, the Eschatii bends his congregation into worshiping him as a cult image.

Normally, such disruption would draw the attention of the Host when done on their own Flock. However, the Eschatii does not steal all their worship but continues to encourage some belief in the Host. Furthermore, because the fear the Eschatii cohorts build and feed upon often drive more to the congregation, the Host does not detect the infestation and only notices the increase in worship.

Typically, these arrangements draw the attention of Hunters or other organizations seeking the destruction of disruptive daemonkin. Often they will hunt down the murderous Eschatii, ignorant of the elder in the congregation growing gluttonous off his followers. When last the congregation is ready to abandon their faith and worship the Eschatii without abandon, their leader will perform his final ritual. In one last gory orgy of blood and cannibalism, the Eschatii directs the Flock to turn upon themselves and drinks deep of their remains. Then he leaves with the surviving members of his co-conspirators to find a new hunting ground to begin the cycle anew.

Outside of the horrific violence and terror this develops, it has a tendency to draw the attention of the Host who arrive at the destruction of their Flock too late to find the Eschatii and instead turn to the local Havens, who they likely believe to be the culprits, and destroy them. However, because so few are willing to monitor or interfere with the Host’s Flocks, it is difficult for local Havens to protect themselves and identify the offending daemonkin before they become entrenched in their target congregations. Due to the effectiveness of enthralling their followers, confronting an established Eschatii elder often leads to conflict with the congregation and should they be killed, the attention of the Host is drawn regardless.

Consequently, sometimes if the signs of an infected Flock are noticed early, nearby Havens will close down and seek distant refuge until the Eschatii are either destroyed by another party or leave and the Host have abandoned their late investigation.

Pleroma Then and Now

Well, I’ve been pressed into watching True Detective by an acquaintance of mine. I had heard good things about it. Specifically, I had heard about it and that it was good. Course, there were few details beyond that except for the intriguing indication that it dealt with Lovecraftian horror. I do love me some Lovecraft even if I don’t think a lot of his work is all that great. Plus, Lovecraft was racist – possibly misogynistic as well.

I’m not finished the series yet which is, mercifully, only eight episodes long. Perhaps I can have it done and a write-up on Friday. Mostly, I just wanted to state what today wasn’t going to be about. This is not a post about True Detective so if you’re looking for a review you’ll just have to sit in anticipation. Course, if you’ve watched True Detective then you’re probably used to waiting in anticipation.


The cutest wind and thunder gods evar.

Fukin Raijin by Tawaraya Sotatsu (17th Century).

Instead, I wanted to do something a little different. I wanted to discuss some more Plemora. Pleroma. I have no idea what we’re calling it now or whether Derek’s cured his dyslexia. I’ve taken to referring to the project as Plemora even though “Plemora” itself doesn’t turn up in any of the work. Confused? Well, let’s see if we can’t keep it that way.

I thought I would give a brief glimpse into the creative process. The world for plemora was conceived years and years ago. I’ve probably been expanding and rewriting the lore as many times as Derek’s been changing the mechanical ruleset. Unfortunately for him, he sees about as much lore as I see rules which is to say none at all.  So I’m going to include some of my work and the direction I’ve been transitioning with the world.

First, however, a run down on what the Hel “Plemora” even is. I’m assuming few readers are brushed up on the Gnosticism, so the quick and dirt is this: Plemora is the grimdark role-playing world that supposes the existence of demons. However, unlike Judeo-Christian entities, these are closer to the Gnostic/Ancient Philosophical daemons. Not necessarily malignant, not necessarily helpful, these creatures descend from a higher plane of existence to interact with us lowly humans. The world examined the impact that fractions of these entities would have if they infused themselves within the bodies of suspecting (or otherwise) humans. The trials, for the character, would be understanding what has occurred to them followed by adjusting to life while being host to an otherworldly parasite that granted supernatural powers.

Course, this isn’t the germ of an idea that began the whole process, but I’ll save that little story for another time. What I want to do today is cover the evolution of one of the major factions in the game system. Since the goal was to set the game world in our own with an overlay of the supernatural, much of the inspiration and ideas for the different peoples and groups which populate it come from our own societal developments. Give the supernatural, faith and religious overtones of the world, it seems only natural that one of the most rewritten groups is none other than The Host. These beings are better recognized by their common name amongst daemonkin: Angels.

First, let’s start off with the Angel faction as I first mentioned them so many months ago. This was back with the Noble Truths discussion and was meant to represent a specific philosophical outlook. In that incarnation, the Angels were described as thus:

The Noble Truths 

Angel – Worship. Angel philosophy stresses a strong hierarchy with clearly defined roles. They also believe in Gods and are almost the Enlightened transition of typical religious individuals. Angel philosophy contains a trickle down effect. Angels worship a higher entity which in turn grants blessings and powers to the lower followers. Beginning Angels, or Initiates are thus, often extremely numerous and extremely powerless. These would be represented by the in numerous masses of people shuffling into churches, mosques, temples etc… However, due to the interconnected belief flow, when one finally classifies as an ‘Angel’, that individual is typically far stronger than any other Enlightened at that level of growth. Due to the nature of Angels, their society is fractured. Thus there are the Judeo-Christian-Islamic Angel group, but there would also be the Hindu Deva group, the Shamanistic Totem group etc…


Accessed from http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/mikalojus-ciurlionis/angel-angel-prelude-1909.

Angel (Angel Prelude) by Mikalojus Ciurlionus (1909).

Here we can see the development of a very specific idea. The Angels follow a top-down hierarchy which places great emphasis on those in the limited higher echelons than those on the bottom. It details how the Angels interact with the common world (through worship) as well as briefly touching on an overall philosophical outlook. Of important note was the idea that, though called Angels, in practice they wouldn’t have to be restricted to Christian views. The goal was to create a flexible system even in the earliest incarnation.

The Noble Truths was followed up by the idea that they would be a type of daemonkin so as to ease the amount of stress on the mechanical system. While I knew early on I would like to have a bunch of different types of play that could be enjoyed in this world, I wanted to make sure we had a strong base for the daemonkin idea to launch. Thus, Angels were shaping up to be powerful protagonists but needed to be realized in the mechanical framework Derek was initially developing.

These Angels I termed as the Bloodline Angels.

Bloodline Angels

Angels (Sanctus Templum) – I need a new name for them so it isn’t so obvious (e.g. Malachi, Ahuras, Elohim, Adonai, Malach, Malach Adonai) The Archangels and the older ones (who steal names from the bible) will generally have a very beautiful (or feminine, fragile, fine featured) appearance. These are the individuals who occupy the upper monotheistic religions. They believe in the One who created them to watch over humanity and shepherd them. Their beliefs and energetic functioning are slightly different than other daemons. They believe that God had created them, transforming them from the frail and flawed human form to that of perfection in the One’s own image. They receive their energy from the One who sustains them and replenishes them. They have created a distorted energy flow in their beliefs. Because of their connection to the monotheistic deities, they have created a system were an enormous amount of energy is directed to one individual which is then filtered down to those in descending hierarchical importance. Thus, the Archangels receive the most amount of energy, followed by the angels, powers and so on. However, God isn’t the top of the power tier but Metatron (as this game is religion neutral). Because of the different monotheistic religions, there is probably three/four different sects of Angels, one for Judaism, Christianity, Islam and perhaps Zoroastrianism. Though the lower levels are very different, I think the upper echelon is made up of members from all of the different factions and constitute the archangels (Uriel, Raphael, Michael, Gabrial etc…)


You can see how the strict organization is still maintained while I began to toy with the idea of where these beings came from. There’s still an idea of God and they still dominate the monotheistic religions of our modern world as has their narrowing to a specific group of religious tenets. I also began to develop the ‘flow’ of energy between the levels a little better. You can begin to see some standard terminology arising as I hone my vocabulary about the topic of Plemora. Much of the energy discourse has to do with faith/belief as well as generic, universal energy. This refinement of terms would be carried over into later revisions of the Angels as well would my expansion on making them religion neutral. However, I was still pulling on heavy Gnostic beliefs at this time so there was still a great focus on religion. The next iteration, however, was the most in-depth for a long while and it had been inspired after a rather remarkably industrious surge of output from Derek.

This vision of the Angels I call the Gnostic Stumble.

Accessed from http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/alexandre-cabanel/fallen-angel.

Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel (1868).

Gnostic Stumble Angels

Leader: The Angel Melchisedek/Lucifer

The Choir is how daemonkin’s refer to the “angels” as a group. The angels are a class of daemon that serve incredibly powerful entities known as gods. Angels hunt and destroy daemonkin, killing the physical vessel of the human and capturing the energy body in talismans.

Paradigm: The beliefs of the Choir are involved and complex, requiring a faith in the higher energy planes of the pleroma. While God (Demiurge) is the technical head of the Choir, the focal point of their energy and the being which they all worship is his son Lucifer – the de facto leader. Melchisedek is the archangel appointed by Lucifer to monitor and contain the physical plane.

The One True King: the Demiurge has come to believe he is the true creator of life and the universe. He does not believe in a higher authority, believing himself to be that higher authority. His gaze is forever downward, on the millions of worshipers and followers on Earth. To him, all daemonkin are just fallen angels – individuals who have strolled away from his graces. However, due to Lucifer’s convincing, the Demiurge does not directly interfere with the physical plane but remains dormant and watching within the energy plane called The Kingdom.

The Wayward Child: Lucifer, alone, believes in a higher spiritual authority. He acknowledges the existence of the Eternal Divine Principle (the Creator) from which all existence emanated. Accordingly, Lucifer believes one of the aware emanations of the Creator – an Aeon – created the Demiurge. The Demiurge is not the Eternal Divine Principle but a simple Archon who has been deluded by his own grandeur. Lucifer believes that the Demiurge was created by the Aeon of Wisdom Sophia. When Sophia saw the Demiurge and his blindness, she attempted to illuminate him of the truth. The Demiurge refused to listen and she turned to the Demiurge’s first bastard creation – Lucifer. She bestowed upon Lucifer the knowledge of the higher planes in the hopes of returning the Demiurge to this paradise – this Eden. However, Lucifer failed to convince his father of Eden and instead became obsessed with returning to this paradise of his own accord. To do so, he crafted a religion around the Demiurge on Earth to channel the will and belief of the people in order to become strong enough to Ascend.

Paradise Lost: Lucifer maintains that he entered paradise but that the Aeons immediately turned upon him for being flawed, ousting him from Eden. Since then, Lucifer has turned to humanity in order to fuel his violent re-entry. Lucifer wishes to reclaim the lost heritage of his father at all costs. Lucifer maintains that the Aeons wish to keep him barred from paradise and created new Archons with the sole purpose of opposing him – swaying the hearts and minds of the mortals away from the Demiurge while fighting his siblings in a constant war against the Demiurge’s private plane The Kingdom. These are the ‘false gods’ and the origins of the other daemons who the Demiurge sees just as fallen angels.

Eden Forgotten, Hell Forged: When pressed for details on the higher plane, Lucifer can not remember them vividly. It has been a long time since his claimed entrance to this higher plane and he mentions only seven other Aeons residing within its plane. These Aeons, Lucifer argues, are perfect beings comprised of all virtues. Their creations, however, are imperfect and often just the exaggeration of a single virtue or missing a virtue. With each successive level of creation, the beings produced are more and more imperfect. Lucifer wished to know if it were possible for a lower being to create something greater than itself. So, aside from protecting his worship base, Lucifer also toyed with humanity, gently guiding them in some grand experiment to see if they could rise above their station. The recent creation of Cyberspace has excited Lucifer quite a bit as it is his first indication of a lower level being creating something amazing. Angels, generally, do not enter the Dreamspace and are typically unaware or uncaring towards its existence.

Wisdom’s Interference: Lucifer maintains that Sophia is constantly waging a ceaseless war against his efforts. He believes that Sophia is the one that rallied the Aeons against him and created the unending assault on The Kingdom. He also maintains that Sophia constantly emanates avatars to Earth in order to Enlighten humanity of the existence of Eden and the Eternal Divine. Lucifer knows nothing of the Eternal Divine save that it appears to remain uninvolved in the affairs of lower energy entities.

The Kingdom: The Choir doesn’t appear as the stereotypical dove winged individuals. Instead they have a very otherworldly appearance – almost alien. For the most part, they appear almost genderless, all possessing fine and delicately feminine features with the tall and toned masculine form. This androgyny is in reference to Lucifer’s desire to rejoin with the higher planes and the entities not defined and limited by such separations as gender. Furthermore, with those possessing or activating a perception of energy, every single member of the Choir from the lowly cherubim to the mighty archangels, possess ribbon tendrils that connect them back to Metatron. This immediate connection with the heavenly energy source is the reason why the Choir is so powerful. At any moment, Metatron can redirect excessive amounts of energy to any Choir member in need, stymieing the flow from members not in immediate danger. These same energy ribbons are what give the Choir the appearance of “wings”.

These last two are going to be the longest. I went full out on the Gnostic structure but it gave lots of inspiration for working out more of the details of the organization. Of greatest importance was that paradigm line. I decided on this iteration of the Angels that I wanted each major organization to have a unique outlook on the world and how it functioned. This seemed like a logically course to take, as the lore of Plemora is so steeped in faith and belief. It seemed imperative to me that the Game Master have a firm grasp on the philosophy that directed each group. I also began to have a better understanding of my cosmology and the  delineation between the energy planes and the physical planes.

However, I had grossly failed in my initial goal way back at the start to keep things religion neutral. I didn’t want to impose a specific faith structure on the game system. I used to play Vampire: the Masquerade and one thing that always bothered me was its insistence on the Christian mythological explanation for vampires. It felt like it weighed down story possibilities by making Cain the father of all vampires and the curse being divine retribution from God. It made it very difficult to separate the world created from Christian teachings and parables, especially since vampirism was meant to be viewed as a curse the player would strive to manage or even cure. I personally prefer the tension and conflict that arises from uncertainty. There’s a strength to say “this is how the world works” but I think a greater conflict comes from two opposing philosophical viewpoints that are assured in their accuracy. The Gnostic incarnation of the angels undermined the paradigm system I wanted to put forward. A re-write was necessary and that’s when I arrived at my Host. It’s unlikely this will be the final incarnation of the group but I feel it represents best where I’d like to take the lore of Plemora. The factions are meant to be certain in their understanding of the world’s inner mechanisms but a natural paradox arises between each faction making none of them compatible. This should encourage conflict on a fundamental level. It means that there can be no reconciliation between the groups. Only dominance can prove the veracity of their claim.

I wanted to use Jacob Wrestles with the Angel by Lynd Ward but, alas, copyright. Sorry Lynd.

The Park and the Angel of Death by Gustave Moreau (1890).

Malach Adonai – The Host/The Choir

Leader: Metatron (Mattatron)

The Malach Adonai are a terrifying organization. Long are their roots in the earthly plane, though rare are their manifestations. They have garnered many names throughout the generations between their sparse appearances. Known as The Host, The Choir and most commonly angels, documentation of these entities ranges well back into antiquity. There are few that put as much fear in the daemonkin as a single angel. Some whisper that many a daemon had drifted because they warred with the Host.

There is no interacting with the Host. New daemonkin are often confused by the elegant, almost fragile androgynous form, failing to recognize the danger in the lithe figure that blazes into existence. However, it does not take long to recognize the power of the Malach Adonai. All fear and flee whenever one arrives. Tales of their power are kept alive through frenzied whispers and paranoid retelling. A single angel is attributed with the complete destruction of a Haven. No combination of daemonkin has ever successful kept the Host from their target. They have no interest in parlay or politics. When they arrive, it is to destroy. The most a person can do is get out of their way, hide and hope they were not the reason for the manifestation of such a terrible power.


Paradigm: The beliefs of the Host are involved and complex. They have faith in a higher energy plane, in fact most of the members never tread upon the lower planes of the pleroma. They worship Adonai who is the focal point of their energy. However, this Lord is a faceless and nameless entity. In most circumstances, such organized worship would create a new entity in its place. But the vast power directed towards such an entity would cause it to immediately ascend upon inception. Instead, a surrogate entity takes the place of the Adonai. When named, he is referred to as Metatron.

However, to keep from ascending himself, Metatron immediately uses the great power invested into him to redistribute all the accumulated power amongst the members of the Host. In exchange, the members swear unfaltering and endless devotion to the Adonai, cycling back all their energy to Metatron. This creates an endless loop forever locking their power in an endless exchange between Metatron and his Host.

The One True King:

The Malach Adonai system of power would not work with just the faith and fealty of its Host members. Instead, Metatron is almost entirely reliant upon the faith of The Flock. These are the faithful on the physical plane who gladly revere the Adonai without need for power in return. Since the spread of the Adonai cult relies on an amorphous and intangible image, the Flock are able to substitute whatever image they desire. This allowed the idea of the Adonai to spread amongst wildly different cultures and peoples. Unlike most higher planar creatures which often feed quite forcibly from their victims, the Malach Adonai feeds almost entirely on faith. This willing generation of power towards the Host has proved to be both long sustaining and incredibly profitable.

None have seen Metatron and it is rumoured that his visage is that of the ever shifting forms in which he is worshiped. Others claim, however, that Metatron is little more than a mindless husk, locked into this unconscious system of power cycling and takes on little form or personality. Either way, it seems most agree that Metatron has become less a person and more a personification of the Malach Adonai power system. He has become a truly impartial Lord of many.

The Kingdom of All:

The danger of the Host lies in Metatron’s ability to direct far more energy into a member than could reasonably be kept before that individual would ascend. Like electrons, any entity that becomes supercharged will jump from one plane to the next. A member of the Host, however, has access to an energy pool far outstripping anything that would exist on its plane. By holding most of it in reserve and channeling what is needed, a Host member essentially has infinite energy generation. Thus, they are capable of inhuman strength and regeneration as all energy spent on these processes are almost immediately replenished. Thus, an enemy of the Host will find their attacks practically bouncing off useless and each strike from the Host is able to tear even the most intricate and impenetrable defenses apart.

Because this energy is dispersed amongst a wide membership, however, the more power a single member expends, the more Metatron must draw from the other members. If a battle is incredibly draining on one member, though that Host will not show signs of fatigue his kin are slowly weakening as Metatron siphons from each to keep the fight alive.

Even more maddening, is destroying a Host member is futile as once a member reaches a critical point, Metatron absorbs the majority of their power back into the system and redirects it to the next closest agent, re-initiating the fight without any serious loss of power.


Child of Divinity:

Because of the singular nature of the host, members exhibit a surprising uniformity in their appearance. While there is enough difference to separate one form the other, they almost universally manifest as an otherworldy being – almost alien. All possess fine and delicately feminine features with a tall and toned masculine form. This androgyny makes individualization difficult, promoting a uniting amongst the Host in image and belief. However, there are often telling marks to suggest the origins of its members. The few individuals who have survived encounters with different Host members have attested to markings the separate them. Some appear slightly more masculine or feminine. There is slight variation in size, handedness, favoured weapon manifestation and marks often attributed to scarring. This suggests that the Host does not create simulacrum but that all members were once likely human but ascended through infusion with Metatron. Likely, given the use of Disciples and the reliance on earthly worship, the Malach Adonai recruits new members from the devoted and once they swear utmost fealty and reverence to the Adonai they are ascended into the higher ranks.


There does seem to be separate organization amongst the Host as well. Intuitions from daemonshards suggest that part of the marking and differentiation between Host members denotes their position in the Host. If their earthly teachings are anything to follow, there exists quite a lot of different levels from the Cherubim up to the dreaded Archangels.


Blessed Neglect:

Despite their reliance on faith generated on the physical plane, the Host rarely interferes with worldly affairs. They have no interest in the petty politics. So long as they receive the faith generated by the people, they care not what happens otherwise to their followers. Even direct interference with their flock is unlikely to summon an agent of the Host. Typically, most issues will be resolved on their own by their followers and any more niggling problems are usually overcome with a Disciple. Only a significant threat to their faithful would elicit a response from the Host. Otherwise, their appearance is typically to seek out Daemons who seek refuge on the physical plane or to find and eliminate the last vestiges of a particularly power enemy that has drifted.


Hegemony of the Script:

As an organization based on faith, the Host maintains with utmost sincerity the mythology of its institute. The vast majority of Malach Adonai do not understand the structure of their organization and belief they are receiving power directly from their Lord. In a sense, they do, though it is unlikely many of them picture their Adonai as Metatron. In their belief, they follow a Lord who ascended millenium ago and they are the arm of this powerful Lord, enacting his will.