Tag Archives: please don’t sue us we have no money

We Made It After All


So, the more observant amongst us may have noticed some changes happening to somewherepostculture.com, and I don’t mean that Derek has finally crawled from his cave to scribble on some wall for us. That is a change, however, and I would like to take a moment to properly celebrate it.

No, what I mean to draw attention to is that some of our older posts have been undergoing revisions. Now, before you get too excited, these aren’t a byproduct of us editing our work and bringing it up to an actually decent level of standards. They’re still silly nonsense that spawned from our heads. No, the images which we supplement our work have been receiving an overhaul and that’s because of one important reason.

Someone out there is watching and reading our content!

In plain English, we’ve received a Cease and Desist from some unnamed entity which exists in some nebulous place in the real world and isn’t a fan of us using their content despite our best efforts to source it. Which now makes me wonder if poor Mary Tyler above is violating some archaic sense of copyright. Course, she’s still alive so she doesn’t exist in the bizarro realm which the likes of Mickey Mouse now inhabit. Thus, we now endeavour to use only creative common images wherever we can. Copyright is, however, a tricky sort of business and thus mistakes are likely to happen. For that, we apologize and if we have any outstanding issues it’s not through willful disobedience or rebellion and more likely our failure to spot it.

The take away message here is that someone has read our site. Even if it was briefly to see where their image was being accessed. Out there, someone cares and they care enough to send us a semi-official looking legal document.

In its stead, I know I’m going to try and expose you, cherished reader, to the ocean of classic art and painting that has formulated and directed the development of visual arts. I don’t do this because I have any deeper knowledge of what I shall link and am mostly doing it because I know no one owns anything pre-1930. That said, I have a new appreciation for the development of art after my brief sojourns abroad and hopefully some things of value can be discovered and enjoyed instead of being locked behind some stuffy museum or art gallery that few of us would ever attend.

Course, since I mostly produce speculative fiction, some of the work I supplement my own with may not have relevance that is immediately understandable. I just want you to know, dedicated reader, that I put as much time and effort into finding just the right portrait or painting to match the care and effort I put into my work.

So keep coming back to enjoy the musings, writings and visual treats of such greats as Derek Gingrich, Kait McFadyen and Horace Vernet.