Tag Archives: lullaby

This is all I have got

I sometimes feel that my posts are barely footnotes on the bottom of a page in comparison the lengthy stories that keep going up. Alas, I am not that verbose. Also, I am in the middle of some scribblings so I thought I would share with you my latest words.

The following should be sung, like a lullaby:

Don’t fear your dreams my child
The amarok’s in the wild
Overhead the hunter flies
On golden wings she cries
So rest with me my child
Protected here from the wild
We are her glowing prize
Watched over with loving eyes
Wait for the sleeper my child
To drive the snakes into the wild
Know that when the fire dies
Once again the Phoenix’ll rise
*Note: the amarok is mythical/legendary beast from native american culture. Some describe it as a cross between a bear and a wolf. Others claim it is a dire-wolf of prehistoric times. I really like the sound of the word and think we need to move beyond the most typical of legendary beasts and bring into the picture some new favourites. With so little written about amaroks the possibilities for it are endless – in a story writing perspective. Also the name is cool as is anything that tries to be associated with prehistoric creatures like dire-wolves, sabre-tooth cats and my favourite – Terror Birds!