I am faced with an unfortunate predicament. While I was lax on my duties towards this site during April as I toiled away on a 90,000 word project, I failed to realize that upon completion of that work and the loosening of my very constrained timetable I would be left with nothing to offer this website in terms of thoughts or work. I have spent little time enjoying the modern expressions of art in order to offer a worthwhile review of movies or literature. I have not written anything of my own accord that could be posted for enjoyment either. Alas, it seems, I must fall back on Derek’s own excuse for a topic and put up some more Pleroma information.

A Friar Tempted by Demons by Salvator Rosa (1660-1665).
After checking to see which groups I have posted before, I realized that I had been focusing only on daemonic groups (of a nature). The goal behind Plemora, at least from a flavour perspective, is to create a world. As such, my musings and thoughts are still relevant to this website unlike some drab examples of gameplay – Derek! But, as part of that world creation I knew that I wanted more than one explanation for existence. I wanted to reflect the complexity of actual modern life and this is demonstrated in the Paradigm theming of different groups. To take that idea further, I wanted to include the taste of systems and ideas that would only tangentially affect our players but hint at happenings and struggles faced by others in this universe.
Today’s offering, thus, is a short glimpse into that idea. The Merrin Lankester Foundation is unique, from a flavour perspective, in that none of the members are daemonkin. They do not derive their gameplay from housing the essence of a supernatural entity within their body. Instead, they are but one face of the people living in a world plagued with possessions and invasions from the supernatural world. They are normal (to a degree) people reacting to this startling and terrifying revelation. In my mind, if Pleroma were successful, one of the many directions would could expand it would be towards fleshing out and detailing the systems that govern these groups. While in the base creation they would follow the standard rules Derek makes in regards to draws and how they interact with the players, if we were to open gameplay up to these “hunter” characters for playing we would have a different tweak to the system to demonstrate their unique experiences and abilities. However, for now, they represent the most likely organization disconnect from the daemonkin system that would be involved with daemonkin.
This is because the Merrin Lankester Foundation (M.L.F.) actively seeks and destroys these entities. They are the Van Helsings, Buffy Summers and Saint Georges of the Pleroma universe. In their eyes, these creatures are monsters, plain and simple. They feed and devour man and society in their own selfish and destructive desires. The only defence humanity can hope to raise is to entrust these special individuals who walk their own damned path in the hopes of stemming a tide that could very well destroy all the world. Of course they’re going to feature the similar self-damnation theme that daemonkin examines, I’m not looking at completely ignoring all that daemon stuff.

Manfred and the Alpine Witch by John Martin (1837).
Merrin Lankester Foundation (M.L.F.)
Leader: Elsa Kostopulos
The Merrin Lankester Foundation is a private security company and research/development firm established in Europe. They hire themselves out to whoever can afford their services be they governmental, private or religious. Aside from a steep price tag, the MLF appears to have a keen interest in historical texts and documents. But they do not run standard protection services. The MLF deals specifically with the supernatural. Armed with a suite of custom designed technology, the MLF hunts and destroys daemonkin wherever they are given clearance. They are no Technocrats or magi, however. Operatives for the MLF rely on their skill and knowledge. Where once they were dismissed as inconsequential, the MLF have risen as one of the world’s leaders in exterminating the supernatural and developed a comprehensive network of resources and allies that can make even the most organized daemonkin nervous.
Like most other organizations, the MLF has a vested interest in keeping the daemonkin threat restricted to a “need to know” basis. They typically seek out clients who are already aware of the dangers of the pleroma unless they have gathered information of an immediate threat that would warrant the revelation of the supernatural at a localized level. This restriction in their dealings have kept them safe from agents infiltrated in the world’s government as well as limit the information their enemies can gather of their goals and motivations.
The MLF has attempted to open branches in both America and Asia but have made little progress with either. God’s Hand serves a similar function in America and they view MLF as rivals to their own aims and keep senators and legislators from allowing the MLF operational access to American soil. There has been little headway into Asian countries as well, and a few leaked documents from the MLF hints that they perceive a great threat is undermining their efforts. There has even been some clashes between MLF with the other humanistic organizations of H.A.I and the Institute though over what, none of them will admit.
The MLF identifies itself as a humanistic organization. This, of course, flies in the face of the actual humanism movement with its focus on the spirit of reason and free inquiry at the rejection of supernatural and theistic framework. Of course, this isn’t entirely doable when the supernatural is a very real and constant threat. Instead, the MLF follow a more ‘militaristic humanism.’ They believe that humans possess the right to govern and live without the interference or influence of the supernatural. They believe there is a certain “experience” to being human that carries its own responsibilities both ethically and morally and that this experience is under threat by the supernatural. A structure based on reason and social justice is impossible with the spectre of the supernatural that hangs over it.
The MLF views all supernatural entities as foreign invaders who do not carry any interest in the betterment of humanity and actively interfere with a reasonable and democratic society. They argue that true equality is impossible with such wholly alien entities who exert an unnatural influence on the functioning of the world. It makes the Minimum Statement (Affirm that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. Stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities.) impossible and threatens the free will of its citizens through immoral and unnatural abilities. The supernatural is not meant to be bargained with and are an external threat which they must face and expunge.

Witches in the Air by Francis de Goya (1797-1798).
Cult of Reason:
The roots of the MLF stretch back to the French Revolution and its attempt to replace Christianity. One could see the basic principles of the ancient Cult of Reason as the foundation stones for the Foundation. These directives are to push for the perfection of mankind through the attainment of Truth and Liberty through the guiding principles of Reason. The old Cult went so far as to promote congregational worship to the ideal of Reason represented by Lady Liberty in the place of Mary.
With the growing understanding of the pleroma and faith, the MLF has realized that a completely secular approach to humanism is, currently, impossible. Thus, they have adopted the old trappings of the Cult of Reason and encourage the veneration of the triumvirate of Libery, Reason and Truth. However, the highest ranking members are quite and ceaseless in the recitation that these are not gods but abstract beings. For too much veneration of a singular entity could potentially bring into existence that which the MLF seeks to expunge. Instead, they maintain that the properties of the Cult’s worship do not belong to some external being but are fundamental components of humans themselves. This they argue through the collection and accumulation of ancient magical documents pertaining to ascension and the generation of power within the individual.
Vanguard of the Damned:
In a sense, the MLF recognizes itself as a necessary evil. They must become that which they fear in order to combat their foes to pave the way for a future where neither shall exist. They strengthen themselves with dogma and faith in order to allow an environment where a society free of dogma and blind faith can exist. In the vision of the future held by the MLF, they will be no longer necessary. In their world, the following elements and principles would hold sway:
- Need to Test Beliefs – conviction that dogmas, ideologies and traditions, regardless of political, social or religious origin must be tested and not accepted on faith.
- Reason, Evidence and Scientific Method – a commitment to the use of critical reason, facts and science in seeking solutions to human problems
- Fulfillment, Growth and Creativity – the three concerns for humanity in general.
- Search for Truth – a constant examination for objective truths under the knowledge that our perceptions are imperfect and new information and experience alter our biases.
- This Life – no concern for an afterlife. If successful, the MLF would sever the connections between the physical plane and the other planes isolating the cycle of energy and keeping a land freed from higher powers
- Ethics – a codification of universal conduct and principles that enhance all human well-being and individual responsibility.
- Justice and Fairness – elimination of discrimination, inequality and intolerance.
- A Better World – the founding principles of Reason, Truth and Justice will create a more tolerant, progressive and idealistic future.
As such, the MLF is incapable of fulfilling all these principles if they hope to combat the threats to human interests. In particular, they dismiss the first and second in order to strive for the seventh and eighth. In creating their own rigorous dogma, they insulate themselves from corrupting influences from the pleroma which gives them the tools to fight its threats but makes them incompatible for the future they desire. Thus, in order to fight the damned, they must become damned themselves.
Any Means Necessary:
Recognizing the scale and power of the threat they oppose, the MLF takes a very broad approach. They do not have the technologies of the H.A.I or other Technocratic groups nor do they have the divine blessing of more faith based Hunters. They strive the middle ground, strengthening themselves through their devotion to their own principles or adopting what new advances and technology they can in order to be strong enough to face their foes.
In essence, the MLF is composed of all three types of Hunters. They have those that utilize technology to level the playing field with daemons. These MLF operators will utilize body armour, a slew of military hardware both experimental and conventional and whatever local resources they can obtain to eliminate their targets. They will be the first to attempt controversial implants or utilize the most stable of a Technocrat’s arsenal.
Then there are the devotees. These agents are more like faith based Hunters, having given their entire dedication to the Cult of Reason. They shield themselves through the worship and blessings of Reason, Justice and Truth and tapped into the pleroma energy generated by this veneration to fight.
Finally, the MLF will employ the vagabond Hunter. These are the solitary and often isolated individuals without any remarkable resources to combat the supernatural. Many maintain this is how the true MLF first began before its organization. It was just a few individuals who came to the horrific realization that there are other things that stalk our world and tried to put a stop to them without any remarkable methods or tools. Armed with just knives, handguns and their own wits, they rely on superstitious local rituals and luck to get them through their battles. More often than not, these Hunters discover that most “traditional” hunting tools was essentially to dope up before combating a monster. The mental heightening properties of many drugs can give almost a supernatural level of prowess unachievable through sobriety. Needless to say, the vast majority of these hunters usually succumb to the inevitable addictions developed in their hunting careers. With their access to alternative methods, the MLF doesn’t encourage this route with its agents but more often than not, their recruits are usually already experienced in this method to embrace another route. These are also the recruits that are usually brought in with prior experience and, as such, the MLF has been attempting to institute a new hiring method that will find suitable candidates which they can then train in a less dangerous hunting method though given the ease of use, many recruits fall into habitual drug use anyway often as a supplement to their other tools before wholly embracing the addiction.
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