I can’t really come up with a witty title here.
You may notice things awfully quiet on the somewherepostculture front. It is November and for many, that means growing a moustache in support of prostate cancer. Most of us here already have one, however, and sadly it’s not for charitable reasons but because we’re dirty, unwashed swines. Except swines can’t grow beards. Hm…

NaNoWriMo advisory. You can follow, join and support NaNoWriMo by visiting their site: http://nanowrimo.org/dashboard
Anyway, November for us means lots and lots of writing as it’s National Novel Writing Month (also affectionately called NaNoWriMo). All of us are busy pounding away at keyboards to get words into documents that, unfortunately, don’t really get posted up here for your amusement. I would have liked to have some articles saved up to post in lieu of actually focusing on the site but, alas, I was ill-prepared for this annual event.
However, Kait and Derek were equally ill-prepared so at least the blame is diffused amongst the three of us.
And yes, this is a long winded way of saying there’s probably not going to be any updates for the next two weeks until we get some loads off our plates. For that, I apologize on behalf of all the somewherepostculture website.
See you in cold, blistery, wintery, snowy December!