Nanowrimo Winner

Nanowrimo - National Novel Writing Month

Nanowrimo – National Novel Writing Month

This is a very short post and a late post all of which is being blamed on Nanowrimo. As my brother has mentioned, November is Novel writing month. And, since work was not particularly busy, it was something I participated in. The goal: 50 000 words in only 30 days. Actually, it is far from unacheivable as goals go. However, it is also very time consuming. These past few days have been dedicated to the final push.

Last night, after hours spent chained to my computer I finally reached my goal of 50 000 words. It is exciting to be done, it is relieving to be done and quite frankly I am bragging that I am done – unlike some other people I could name. On the other hand, I would not say that I wrote an actual novel. I certainly wrote all about one place and group of characters. I wrote the required number of words. But for all the other aspects of character development and plot progression I feel I failed. My novel is a terribly written first draft of something that needs to be returned to the darkest corner of the closest for a long period of time. Until someday I can drag it back out, scrap it and start over – perhaps next november.

Now that I am finished, I hope to do some reading, which should provide me with things to write about. In the meantime, for all of those people still rushing to complete their November Novels – you can do it! It is within reach and it is possible. To everyone else, enjoy these last few days of the month.

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About Kait McFadyen

I am a partially employed Canadian science teacher with visions of grand travel and incredible adventures. When not immersed in work I maintain a small backyard garden, where I try to protect my crops of corn, tomatoes and other vegetables from the neighbourhood wildlife. The all-important library, my source of entertainment and discourse, is a comfortably short walk away.

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