Merry Christmas

On this day, I wish you all a Merry Christmas (or politically correct Happy Holiday!)

To all those involved in celebrating at this time, I hope you are enjoying a day of friends and family. May your time be filled with good food and excellent companionship – in my case beating my brother at his brand new board game, summoner wars. Other highlights of my day included watching Newsroom and finishing my annual gingerbread house.

This year I created a template to resemble my actual house. The idea was to make it look real-ish. The product was not as clean or well exicuted as I had hoped. The gramcrackers do not look like siding and the dried cranberries are shaped more like red stone than brick. Yes, the large block on the right is supposed to be garage door. However, I have photographed it for memory and will enjoy looking at it for the next week or so.

gingerbread houseMerry Christmas everyone!

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About Kait McFadyen

I am a partially employed Canadian science teacher with visions of grand travel and incredible adventures. When not immersed in work I maintain a small backyard garden, where I try to protect my crops of corn, tomatoes and other vegetables from the neighbourhood wildlife. The all-important library, my source of entertainment and discourse, is a comfortably short walk away.

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