The Clockwork Caterpillar

Make A Difference

Well, the International 2019 has come to an end. I was quite excited with the outcome and overjoyed to see the performance of my favourite team. They’ve really come into their own.

Wait, why am I worried about spoilers here. People who read this blog likely don’t follow the game anyway.

OG took a second championship! Back to back! It was incredible. Not sure it was worth staying up all-night to watch, however. I’m relieved to hear that next year’s tournament will be in Stockholm.

Anywho, onto business.

I’ve been pretty quiet around the blog recently since I’ve been hard at work penning (or typing) the sequel to The Clockwork Caterpillar. Well, the good news is that I may finally have something approaching readability. But I need your help.

Yes, your help. Picture Uncle Sam pointing directly to you through your screen – preferably a big one for extra effect. For this release we’re doing something a little different.

We are testing what Kait is tentatively calling “Beta Readers.” I suppose it’s much like beta testers for software or games. How it’ll work is that you can fill out this survey. You will get your choice of digital format and we will send you an early draft of the novel along with a questionnaire. For your gracious participation, you may be featured in the acknowledgement section – with your permission of course – upon release of the novel in 2020. You can also proudly boast of your creative genius in bringing a story to fruition!

We’re looking to start this process around mid-October. More information will follow to those who send us their contact information. We shall not keep your information for any advertising purposes and you’re welcome to not append your name if you so wish.

I’m sure there will be some legal notifications attached when this rolls out but that falls a little out of my wheelhouse. I’d like to hear your thoughts and this is kind of the best way to engage a bit more directly with readers themselves to hear what they think. We’ll see how this process goes and, if it is successful, I know Kait has it in her mind to try this on future releases as well.

So grab a friend and get your name down! We’ve a goal of around twelve or fourteen but the more the merrier! Here’s the link for one last easy click.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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About Kevin McFadyen

Kevin McFadyen is a world traveller, a poor eater, a happy napper and occasional writer. When not typing frivolously on a keyboard, he is forcing Kait to jump endlessly on her bum knees or attempting to sabotage Derek in the latest boardgame. He prefers Earl Gray to English Breakfast but has been considering whether or not he should adopt a crippling addiction to coffee instead. Happy now, Derek?

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