Category Archives: Rambles and Rants

Choking Creativity – Copyright Laws

Disney is awful.

Ironically, I don’t know who the artist for this apropos image is. Accessed from

I don’t mean awful in the sense that their products have been of grossly questionable quality for a number of years. Which isn’t to say things like UP aren’t awful in the descriptive sense and people are willing to overlook it’s short comings to an astonishing degree because of nostalgia for a time when Disney’s work wasn’t so creatively bankrupt. But that’s another rant.

No, Disney is awful in a very real and more important sense. They are killing our culture. It is the slow, spiteful squeezing of our society’s windpipe until we are unable to breath anymore. And they do this while gleefully sucking in as much air as they possible want.

So what on earth am I talking about? Copyright law.

Now, as a creative person it might seem a little odd or even counter intuitive that I would have an issue with copyright. It is, after all, ostensibly designed to protect my interests so that I may receive due recompense for some theoretical body of work that gets published one day and released to the market. It’s designed so that someone won’t just swoop into this very site, pluck my silly stories about heroic adventurers in ludicrous fantasy settings and sell them on their own without giving me proper value for my work. Which is a noble goal seeing that copyright’s first incarnation appears to be Charles II of England’s rather misguided attempt to try and control what media was being released with the invention of the printing press.

Now, as a creative person, I wholly encourage the protection of an artist’s work so that they may profit off their  endeavors. Creating art isn’t really the same as creating a table as we’re discussing ideas and ideas don’t truly exist in a corporeal fashion. This becomes more and more apparent the further we get from actual physical art. A statue is hardly going to be stolen and it’s  craftsmanship  isn’t something easily replicated. A novel, on the other hand, is quite easy to replicate as you merely have to copy the words and order the original artist made. This isn’t to say that sculpture should be exempt from copyright but I think it demonstrates my point rather effectively. Here are some famous sculptures of our past.


Creative commons from wikipedia

Perseus by Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571)

Creative Commons from wikipedia

Perseus with Medusa’s Head by Antonio Canova (1757-1822)

Taken from the Internets.

Perseus and the Gorgon by Laurent Marqueste (1890)

What do all three of these works share? Despite being a hundred years apart from each other, they were developed in a time before The Walt Disney Company would prevent them from ever being formed. You see, culture isn’t created in a vacuum. Ideas are shared, expanded, re-explored, re-imagined or often just outright copied but with the creator’s own personal touch. All of these statues are based on the Ancient Greek Perseus myth. Their sculptors did not create the characters depicted in them. Perseus himself was not recompensed for his likeness. Marqueste, Canova and Cellini did not have to fill out a bunch of legal documents, forge specific contracts to licence the image or postures or even need to seek the Greek’s approval in order to make these. They were inspired, perhaps even by each other, and they just created. Two of them after the first copyright laws were coming into form.

And we are all enriched because of it.

The Disney Company, however, would like to see this changed.

First, a quick little sojourn through copyright’s history. When it was first fashioned to protect creative works for artists’ benefit, the length of the copyright lasted 14 years with the possibility to apply for a second 14 year extension. No artist in their right mind would pass up on 14 more years of pay, so it was effectively a 28 year hold on an idea so that the original creator could reap what financial benefits they could before their idea was thrown back into the public domain to be played with as others saw fit. This is fine. It allows the Canova’s and Marquestes’ of the world their own opportunities to fashion statues of naked men holding severed or soon to be severed women’s heads.

But, as Tom W. Bell from so well demonstrated, this time frame is entirely arbitrary and subject to change through his predictive Mickey Mouse Curve.

I don't actually know if this is creative commons but I will not miss the irony if he sends us a cease and desist for this.

Copyright Duration and the Mickey Mouse Curve by Tom W. Bell

So what are we looking at here? This is a graph charting the course of the expiration date of Steamboat Willie as it nears its entry point into the public domain only for new copyright law to extend its duration. To be clear, one can not copyright a character but they can copyright a movie that features the first appearance of said character. That would be the  eponymous Steamboat Willie featuring the world’s most recognizable rodent. Technically, I can use Mickey’s likeness so long as its part of a commentary on a related issue – say if I were to show Mickey Mouse in a satirical cartoon of stomping North American culture. The important thing to note is the length that copyright now protects a work. From something that was originally 28 years has become 50 years then the death of the creator then the death of the creator plus 50 years until our current copyright of the death of the creator plus 75 years.

Let’s take a moment to ponder this.

Current copyright protects a work for 75 years AFTER the death of the person who created it. It’s not even sensitive to the time that the work was made. Let’s jump up to our statuary example above. According to modern copyright, the Canova estate would be eligible for suing poor Mr. Marqueste for his clearly derivative work of his statue Perseus with Medusa’s Head. Had Mr. Marqueste gotten the copyright on the butchering of Medusa, I would not have been able to include an image of his work in a rant on copyright until 1995. Nineteen years ago, I would have been unable to picture a work of art made in a time before colour photography was invented to allow me the opportunity to even photograph it!

We have now created for ourselves a point in cultural development where works can not be touched by the public sphere for an entire generation after it was made. And this is working off the assumption that copyright doesn’t get extended beyond its current term which, I’m sure before 2023 rolls around will be changed again. Just to reiterate, no culture is made in a vacuum. Everything builds upon itself. Shakespeare wouldn’t exist without the prior poems and legends which he fashioned his stories from. Romeo and Juliet was based on an Italian tale translated in Arthur Brookes’ The Tragic Tale of Romeus and Juliet in 1562. As a reminder, the play was first published in 1597. The only copyright law we have which would historically allow arguably the most famous Shakespearian work to exist is the original copyright of 28 years. Seeing that Shakespeare died in 1616, according to Disney’s will, the play shouldn’t even exist at all even if we assume Arthur Brookes keeled over the moment his Tragic Tale hit the printing press.

The ultimate irony is that Disney has and continues to profit off the public domain. Their most recent work, Frozen, is based off Hans Christian Anderson’s highly acclaimed The Snow Queen (1845). Disney has over 100 movies based on others creative works with their most famous and celebrated ripped directly from the same public domain they refused to let their rat enter. Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Sleeping Beauty, The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, The Jungle Book, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and The Hunchback of Notre Dame all owe their thanks to free access to their original work. Which, as I said, is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Finally, let’s remember that the song Happy Birthday to You is actually a copyright work. The owner of this cute little cultural artifact is Birch Tree Group Limited which was acquired by Warner/Chappell Music who to this day enforce their copyright claim and collect about $5,000 a day in royalties for the song. That’s over $1,800,000 a year for a song they had zero hand in creating. That’s right. Every time you sing this song on a relative’s birthday, you are breaking copyright law for a tune attributed to an 1893 kindergarten teacher and technically owe Warner/Chappell Music royalties.  So it’s time you paid up.

Ranting Ranters Rant

So, Derek informed me that I haven’t made a rant on the blog for over two months. Two months! The poor rant tag is likely wallowing in self-pity and neglect. This was an injustice I could not ignore so vowed today I would rant about something… anything! Nothing would be safe from my disgruntled attitudes and opinionated opinions.


Ripped from which makes me think this is either clip-art or pulled from some anonymous source on the Internet. Sorry to the original artist.

Except there was one problem – I didn’t particularly have anything to rant about. I haven’t really seen anything disappointing or worth evaluating, much like my colleague (with the sole exception of the new Archer episode but I don’t feel I could get a full blog post from that). What little media I’ve consumed has been passable. Some of it has even been acceptable. Community started it’s fifth season and they came up with both a reasonable explanation to bring the gang back to college but also introduced enough changes to make the series seem fresh again. They also pointed out a number of the issues I had with the series and hopefully they will address them in future episodes. We also got the return of Starburns which suggests that some of the problems plaguing development have been smoothed over.

Sherlock (the BBC one) has come back. They had that messy Moriarty issue to deal with and did it fine. The episode was rather mediocre by the end but they were trying to both address Conan Doyle’s clumsy attempt to kill the protagonist and bring him back in one of the most famous instances of writer’s guilt and retconning. On top of that they had their own bungling of the source material and asinine modern introductions to try and sweep through as well. All in all, the episode seemed to convey “We screwed up and this is us sorting house.” Though the ending did seem to tease another super villain which, if true, will probably ruin the show. Sherlock is, much like his regular incarnation, best suited when he’s dealing with one off adventures than any silly contrived super plot from mega-villains.

I haven’t seen Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit yet and that might not happen for another week so my blood hasn’t boiled over that inevitable coalescence of Hollywood subsidized stupidity. On the gaming side, I’ve been playing mostly Dota 2 and Civilization V both of which are in a good point developmentally speaking. Civilization released a second expansion I finally got my hands on which seems to have added some much needed complexity and depth to its mechanics with the introduction of trade routes and a new World Congress. More importantly, they fixed whatever coding issues made the damnable game take upwards of ten or fifteen minutes to load which is what murdered what interest I had in the title.

Needless to say I was having a bit of a quandary. Then, as I was taking a shower (I do my best thinking there, don’t you know), I realized I could probably ramble on a good long while about television and its narrative structures and how they could potentially be influencing other media. I had a really good argument that would focus on the required nebulous concepts and maintenance of status quo in television series in order to maintain an indefinite development cycle to keep its production employed. I wanted to then extend how these techniques have been bleeding into other mediums like novels with their focus on long, convoluted epics that don’t seem to really go anywhere as well as film and their need for trilogies. I would then elegantly tie it up with franchising in video games, possibly using the always apt and applicable trainwreck of BioWare’s Dragon Age series which is always a great example of everything that’s wrong with narratives and the industry.

I was going to begin that discussion on the foundation that, of all the new media available to the modern consumer, television is the worst cognitively speaking because of its passive consumption with its audience. Due to my scientific and  psychological  background, I was going to draw on brain activations and mental health as a quick way to demonstrate televisions deleterious effects.

And then I couldn’t find my sources.

You see, we at somewherepostculture try to maintain an air of professionalism. We often fail, bumble or come up short but the effort is put forward. I didn’t want to just blindly throw out the statement that “television consumption is a cognitively lazy leisure activity that encourages its viewer to sit and vegetate instead of engage with its product” without having some fancy dude in a lab coat to have crunched some numbers to support that statement. Now, this statement is practically common knowledge at this point and I figured it would be a quick search through the old Google search bar.

Three hours later and the best I had were a handful of articles on  sedentary  living and its effects on the development of children’s Theory of Mind.

So, instead of a rant on television, you’re now getting a rant on the commodification of knowledge.

Seriously, I can’t think of a greater sin we can commit in the modern age than to lock away knowledge and theory behind pay walls. The development of the Internet is perhaps the greatest invention of our time capable of revolutionizing the way we view and deal with in information. We have seen its sporadic and unpredictable effects through our lives. There’s the growing focus on the personal lives of the average individual – Facebook and Twitter practically replacing much regular socialization amongst peers as well as becoming its own entertainment. Nations are finding the free flow of information incredibly difficult to dam. The riots and rebellions in the Middle East often take to social networks to organize and spread their message. Australia has tried to control the access of certain irreputable material with about as much success as they have from preventing foreign flora and fauna getting introduced to their backwards country. Edward Snowden revealed the global monitoring and surveillance of the American Government on such a scale that would make even George Orwell blush.

And our universities – states of higher education and progressive thought – first order of business is to try and hide their studies and research behind strong armed publishing arms looking to try and make a buck off the advancement of knowledge. Because, apparently, we as a society still haven’t learned the value in education and must insure only the wealthiest or the most willing to be  indebted for the rest of their lives like some rejuvenated medieval serf system are worthy of said knowledge.

This is in the face of rampant misinformation and lies. When an agency like Fox News can boldly throw up outright fabrications and avoid any persecution because they self stylize themselves as an entertainment outlet and not a news agency then we know something is wrong. American right-wing politics is practically composed of a body engaged in a competition amongst themselves to look the most ignorant and out of touch with reality.

Sorry – I generally don’t try and bring any big political elements into this blog.

The fact of the matter is, after the invention of the Internet no one knew what the hell to do with it. The common person takes it grossly for granted. I know, because I was one of those people. Course, being in Canada gives me and my colleagues a unique perspective in that our Internet providers practically run a monopoly on their service and offer such ludicrous deals to the average customer that you can find better service in airplanes than you can in Canadian homes. But, I’m not going to make a grand call of action and demand we storm parliament hill for change. I mean, if you want to then go right ahead. But it’s cold outside and the cost of gas is so high right now.

No, instead I’ll probably write a story about it. A story inspired by how stupidly difficult it is to find a source to demonstrate that television makes us really lazy.

Book Classification

While I like to read – and I most certainly do – I would not describe myself as prolific. After all I do tend to read a lot in a very narrow range of books. I read those that I find interesting and ignore those that do not appeal. I used to feel compelled to finish every book I started. Of course that was back when the length of book was some 80 pages, as opposed to the 300+ pages of many books I read now. With age comes intolerance. Now, I will stop reading a book if I don’t like or I become bored which is most often the case. I cannot count the number of times I have started a book with in this last year only to give up 1/2 to 3/4 through because the plot or characters proved too tedious for my attention span. It is tempting for me to blame the author for poor writing, however, really it is my fault for selecting some very trashy books that I know at the time will not hold up to any literary criticism.


Anyway, I diverge from my original thought. I was perusing Good Reads not so many weeks ago and noticed they have a page dedicated to the best books of the year. Interested, I thought I would see what topped the Fantasy list – my typical genre for reading material. I was flabbergasted to discover that Fantasy is no longer a single category. It has been split into fantasy and paranormal fantasy. Seriously, this is a category?


Not that I wasn’t familiar with the names of some subgenres of fantasy; things like: steampunk, urban, high, etc. But these were little subcategories. They were not entire new genres. Also, what is paranormal fantasy? Really?


Dividing books into genres seems obvious on the surface – at least in some regards. Murder mysteries involve both murder and a detective trying to solve it (hence the mystery). Fantasy involves magic while science fiction uses advanced technology and frequently a post-apocalyptic society. Romances are small, often poorly written stories of people finding their soul-mate in usually bland ways. Historical Romance or Fiction takes place in the past, where the past where the past is defined by anything older than the 1980’s (at least by someone out there). Fiction is a catch all for everything else.


But then you get into grey areas. JD Robb writes futuristic cop dramas – should these be found under the mystery or science fiction category? Sometimes, it is the blending of two ideas that leads to the development of a new sub-classification. Steampunk is a melding of old-world steam technology and a Victorian world setting (fantasy and historical). Though why steampunk also has to include an element of the paranormal/fantastical in the form of vampires, werewolves or zombies I still don’t understand.


Derrek defines cyberpunk as the “near-future science fiction that examines how technology (the cyber half of the name) influences the lives of the lower class and destitute (the punk half), while the upper class reaps the rewards.” Does this make it a class by itself or just a subclass of the science fiction category?


Returning to the category of fantasy where I am more comfortable. What is the difference between paranormal and urban fantasy? Urban fantasy seems to include anything that is fantasy occurring in a modern setting: cars, cities, modern swearing and cellphones. Paranormal is usually associated with psychic powers: telepathy and telekinesis. But I find that the great triad of vampires, werewolves and zombies still crop up regularly in this style of book. So, where do you draw the lines?


Iris Johansen has an increasing amount of the supernatural cropping up in her mystery/adventure books that are categorized as fiction. Should they be relabelled as paranormal fantasy? They don’t have the triad of creatures, but psychic powers feature prominently in some of her later works. And where exactly do ghost fall in these divisions?


For any book there is likely more than one label you could use to describe the book. After all fantasy books may have an element of mystery or romance. Neither mystery nor romance can occur without existing in some other setting: modern, historical or fantastical. Yet we are constantly separating books into different categories so there must be some general consensus.


The next question ask what is the value of distinguish books by category.

Rollplaying Part 2


Fallout art

When I first started this series (two posts constitutes a series, yes?) I mentioned how I hoped that Derek’s D&D campaign would provide material and inspiration for blog entries.

Here we are one month later and he still hasn’t run a single session. I think he hates me. That, and the rather copious amount of affectionate texts I found on his phone sent to a “Windy Dave” leave me with a vague sense of suspicion and jealousy. Who is this shady character? Has he found another group to roll with? Am I just part of the party that he keeps around out of tradition or obligation while satisfying his dungeon mastering with some other young, more robust and exciting group of individuals?

Or is he just the unending well of disappointment and shattered dreams? More investigation is required.

However, my sister has decided to stop hating me and informed me that she finally read some of my posts. Of particular interest was the first Rollplaying wherein I made some arguments about absolute rollplaying and the conflicts between two opposing ideologies at the game table. Or something. Sometimes even I get confused about what I write and seek solace in luminous distraction.


The Artist’s Studio by Horace Vernet (1820)

At any rate, the reason I began this discussion on the role vs roll dynamic in tabletop RPGs because of a few humorous observations I made when witnessing my sister tackle her first session. They were the same observations I made when I got the pleasure of witnessing Felicia with hers and other new players to the genre. I won’t draw much conclusion from the fact that they have been almost universally women since I don’t believe there’s any correlation between that fact and their behaviour beyond the brief moment I had to make an incredibly sexist remark.

But I didn’t and I wished to point that out. See Kait, see how I grow! I restrained myself!


The thing I find most fascinating with new players is the actions they take. I touched upon it briefly in my own concerns about player and character knowledge and how there’s often a conflict between the two. Whereas a veteran will sometimes know when they possess a deficiency themselves or possibly even when they hold more knowledge than their persona. In the first scenario, the player can ask the DM who can either provide that information or roll it off. In the latter, the unscrupulous player will refrain from acting on that information unless it assists with progressing the session the he may find some clever way to work around his character’s lack of insight in order to bring this information forward. Both results aren’t the most elegant but they provide a smooth enough response that keeps the play going.


Soldier Labourer by Horace Vernet (1820)

The new player, conversely, does not understand this dynamic. They are the most apt to fall into the erroneous belief that their knowledge is their persona’s and vice versa. When confronting a new challenge, they will often express exasperation or bewilderment even if it were common occurence for their persona. They are the most likely to fall for common traps or pitfalls or to follow the most predictable and straightforward path. This really isn’t surprising. As mentioned, the dynamic between roll and role is a complicated one especially at the tabletop. First and foremost these players are approaching a game and they react accordingly. If there is an obstacle in the way, they will often try to fight it. If there is a path to walk, they will follow it. Partly, this reaction could be fueled by the popularity and ubiquitousness of computer games. Being the most popular form of entertainment currently, it is quite likely that new players are familiar with their design. And many computer games pull inspiration from old table top mechanics and design. However, computers are programmed for a limited number of variables and responses. Their design typically follows a “go here and do what I tell you” route that is narrow in scope because of the complexity required for programming. This  repetitiveness will instill in a player an automatic response that could be drawn upon in this new situation.

Much like classical conditioning, the player learns that when a quest giver says “go here and do this” the only way to progress is to follow. However, as I’ve said, the power of the tabletop game comes from the flexibility and unlimited possibilities provided by a combination of one’s imagination and the reactivity of the dungeon master. With a game, your only real choice in the situation is either to agree with the quest giver or to turn away from the quest altogether. Rare is it that you could solve the situation through clever means – be it robbing the quest giver, tricking them into a more favourable position, turning them in to the authorities or seeking assistance from their rivals. The list can go on and on.

Furthermore, when sitting down a new player to explain a new game what is it that is almost universally taught? The rules, of course. The player is given the character creation tools and walked through the often bewildering stats, perks, feats, skills, numbers and rules required to create their persona. Sure, there might be a few brief minutes to discuss the finer aspects of their personality but without fail the lion’s share of time is spent understanding the mechanics of the system. This reinforces the “gamey” aspect of the tabletop. I think this is the biggest problem that new players face. They get so consumed by this “system” and all the rules that govern it that they lose sight of what they’re playing. When asked what they want to do, without fail their first response is “I don’t know.” I don’t think this represents a lack of imagination or willingness from the player. I think this just represents his uncertainty of the rules. Most certainly she knows what she wants to do but she doesn’t know how to go about doing it. Does she need to roll? How does he communicate his distrust? Is it possible for her to even attack a basilisk?

The burden of knowledge I mentioned in my previous post is brought to a crippling extreme with the beginning player. They may not understand the finer points between a glaive and a halberd. They might not understand that a chimera can breath fire but a cockatrice can induce petrification. Between the world and the system they can’t separate mechanic knowledge from world knowledge and they’re just left in a confounding miasma unsure of how to extract themselves.


Angel of Death by Horace Vernet (1851)

To bring back the personal touch, I had my history in free-form roleplaying. Understanding the vast possibilities afforded to me in this shared game world wasn’t an issue. My background provided an avenue to come to grips with the “system” for interacting with an imagine world – mainly that there isn’t any. You are allowed to do what you wish to do – within reason. You are sharing a space with others and working together in your play even if in the world you’re on opposing sides. It is much like children playing house. It is the pure, distilled world of fantasy and imagination with just enough structure to prevent chaos from bringing the whole structure down. I was brought into D&D with half the “system” explained and arguably it was the hardest part. Anyone can learn mechanics. Knowing the bonuses a 17 strength provide in an open doors check is rote memorization that can be solved by timely referencing. But it is the strength of one’s creative faculties that provide that greatest advantages in the game and are the hardest to learn.

It comes as no surprise to me that those that often take rather quickly to D&D are those that come from an acting background. For how similar of a system is there than the one on the stage? You must work with a team in order to bring to life a production of various characters and events that, more often than not, carry their own motivations and goals. You must separate your own knowledge from your persona’s, abandoning the realization that you are just a person standing on a poorly lit and decorate stage in order to embrace the ideas and emotions of someone miles and years apart from you. You have to work with your director to understand the world your persona lives in to bring to life their thoughts and reactions to the events unfolding before them.

The stats, skills, powers and what not are just the operational rules that keep the production running. They’re knowing how to “cheat out” and what profile to maintain when delivering lines. They’re the knowledge of muting your motions and behaviour when occupying the background or learning to enunciate and project when delivering a monologue even if it is in supposed silence.

But I think anyone can be enticed into playing tabletop games. They are, after all, the natural flights of fantasy we have whenever engaging in a work of fiction. They’re the amusing “What if” thoughts that float through our head as we work through a favourite novel. They’re the imaginings that give rise to untold fan fictions spread across the Internet. Everyone likes to imagine themselves as the hero in their favourite story. And role-playing games are just the vessel that lets us explore that fantasy.

Playing to Win

OK, ladies and gents it’s time for another rant hour on the old blog post. Today, I want to address competitiveness and this nebulous concept of “playing to win.” We’ve all heard it before. Someone will leverage the accusation towards another in an attempt to belittle or undermine their adversary’s performance in some sort of competition. In our modern times, the most common  occurrence  will be during a game – be it video or otherwise.

xwres8Now, it’s no secret that I am a competitive individual. When I enter a contest, I desire to win. I enter with the intentions of trying my best and, should my best not be good enough, I seek to improve myself so that I can perform better the next time I face adversity in said game. Which is to say, I like to win. But who doesn’t? It’s enjoyable winning and unpleasant losing. The very purpose of a competition is to allow there to be either outcome. The better the competition the more the outcome is determined by the skill of the participants within than outlying factors. So, I  do play to win. As does everyone.

Now, there are some people who claim otherwise. There are individuals that would say “having fun” is more important than winning. To this, I agree. But as I already established, winning is fun. I’m no philosopher but without the proper education in Game Theory, I’m certain that even if there is no tangible reward the average participant in a game strives to win. It makes sense on a basic level. Why would you participate in a game if you weren’t attempting to achieve the victory condition? I don’t set up a chessboard with the intent of creating the Mona Lisa with my pieces while my opponent is trying to capture my king. By engaging in the activity, we are entering into an unspecified contract to abide by the rules towards a singular victorious goal that is established by the activity itself.

Laocoon_Pio-Clementino_Inv1059-1064-1067This isn’t to say that these goals are immutable. Often times, games have a simplistic win state (“taking the enemy’s king”) that are complicated by the various aspects of the game (“getting past the pawns”) while avoiding the loss state (“losing my king”). There is no way to achieve victory in chess by your first move alone. Even the shortest win condition of two moves requires a very specific response from your opponent that is incredibly unlikely to occur the more experienced they are. Thus, it is often to my benefit to break down the distant and difficult win state into more immediate and advantageous goals that will make the final win state easier to achieve. My immediate goals could be something like “control the centre of the board” by having more pieces threaten the most squares in the middle while removing or preventing my opponent from doing so. I could also have the objective of “take the enemy’s queen,” a piece that is far more versatile and consequently more powerful than any other piece on the board.

In fact, this deconstruction of the win state is necessary for improvement. If I am only considering the final victory condition and move blindly towards it, I will be ill-prepared to deal with my opponent’s secondary and tertiary goals. I will concede those minor victories to him, likely obtaining little in return and increasing the difficulty of achieving a win as more and more small loses pile up. Furthermore, these secondary goals make incredibly complex games easier to understand and easier to analyze.

Dota 2, which I have made posts about before, is an incredibly complex and strategically challenging game. There is a huge overhead of knowledge required of the player between the staggering amount of interactions between the 110 current hero pool and the multitude of items that can be bought. Furthermore, the design of the game creates an ever changing balance of power between the accumulation of gold and experience on these different heroes with everyone one of them benefiting slightly differently. The win state, however, is very simple. The game ends with the destruction of the team’s “Ancient” – a large, impressive looking structure in the middle of their base. However, if I were to just pick a random hero and charge towards that structure I would invariably lose. Partly because the Ancient is invulnerable so long as it is protected by its tiered towers and partly because I would die well before I got anywhere near the base. This would “feed” both gold and experience to my enemies with each successive death giving them an ever growing advantage over my team that would eventually become insurmountable.

baccio-bandinelli-herculesThus, to succeed at Dota, it is imperative that objectives be broken down into far more manageable goals in order to win. A player needs to focus on their “laning” which requires them to outplay their opponent in the lane during the early portion of the game. Instead of focusing on destroying the Ancient, they’re looking at gaining an early advantage in gold and experience against the one to three opponents sharing the same space as them. If they are unable to secure an advantage themselves, they should look to either call in assistance or seek to help a teammate in another lane on the map. Once an advantage has been raised, whether through better farming of “creeps” for gold and experience or through a kill advantage against their opponent, they can then move on to the next objective of destroying the outer tier 1 towers. This provides more gold for the team and gives them greater influence over the map for them to slowly move in on the primary objective of the Ancient.

This breakdown of the game, as mentioned, also assists with learning. When looking back at a victory or loss, it’s natural to wonder how one team became victorious. If you merely look at the win state, it is impossible to see how it was achieved. Only by examining the secondary goals, their successes and failures, can you really analyze the play and learn where the biggest mistakes were made. The turn five loss of the Queen could have been the move that spelled disaster. The four deaths before five minutes to the enemy’s mid player could have jump started a surge in the enemy’s strength that spiraled out of control. By further breaking down secondary goals, you can see areas where you can improve. Perhaps your poor placement of pawns led to you losing control of the space that led to your Queen’s capture. Maybe your last hitting on the creeps allowed your opponent access to their second spell which gave them first blood and enough gold to purchase a bottle to hold runes in. You can examine these small mistakes and know where you can improve so next time you’re in a similar situation you are prepared with the knowledge of how to win them.

I want to make a few brief closing points on win states. There are some games with nebulous win states but clear loss states. Dungeons and Dragons doesn’t truly have a defined end goal. You don’t necessarily “win” D&D. Generally speaking, there will be an adventure with individual and party goals that you and the players are working towards. But because of its reactive nature, Dungeons and Dragons doesn’t really stop if you achieve or fail those goals. Likewise, even its loss state of death could just be a stumbling block depending on whether your Dungeon Master turns the story into some  archetypal myth involving you or your party descending into the underworld to wrestle back your soul from the Lord of the Dead. Consequently, D&D is driven purely by its secondary goals be these a few job posting in pubs or a player’s desire to see the fall of a tyrannical lord.

And there is an exception to the statement that all players strive to win. There is a minority whose win state isn’t the established one of the game. These players are classified as “trolls” and their win state is self determined but usually set as creating as much animosity or grievance in their own teammates. They will do everything in their power to undermine their own team’s chances to win, deriving fun from the  aggravation  and  frustration as they force a loss on their teammates. Consequently, these players are typically banned from participating when identified. Also, it is my personal opinion that these players will partake in this behaviour on throw-away accounts while maintaining a main account in order to participate in the established dynamic of the game but I have no evidence to back that up.


We’ll just call it a strong hunch.

Rollplaying Part 1

Once again, I get busy and my co-contributors demonstrate that I am the glue that holds this place together. Actually, that’s not accurate. I’m more the glue that keeps the wheels turning… except glue would have the opposite effect.

Let’s just say I’m the one that posts the most when he’s suppose to.

So yesterday was Thursday and meant to be our second day of Derek’s Ikan Light campaign. I was counting on these D&D sessions to give me plenty of material and ideas for blog posts. That was until Felicia got sick and the game was cancelled. Now, apparently, Derek is spending most of his day trying to extract his stomach out his mouth and my dreams of actually playing D&D have been only so much smoke and mirrors.

Well, God damn it all, I’ll write about it anyway!


In my brief experience with the genre, I’ve found that there are generally two types of players that join into tabletop RPGs. They go by many names but I’m going to affectionately term them roleplayers and rollplayers. I, myself, am the former. I got into RPGs way back in the day through play by post message boards and mIRC chat channels. These were free-form roleplaying communities where rules were light and the focus was more on a bunch of people interacting in a shared world. I have fond memories of this wild frontier. There was a game I played that was essentially Robin Hood. I say essentially because while the thread creator had the full intentions of making it about the classic woodland bandit, a bunch of us ended up taking the game wholly in another direction. Typically with free-form roleplaying, most groups or topics start as a sort of collaborative fanfiction. Generally, someone will begin with a call for fellows to join them in a popular world and the familiar characters will be doled out like a sloppy meal at a food kitchen to the first unwashed miscreants to get their hands on their childhood favourites.


Double Portrait of a Brother and Sister by Cornelius Ketel (1548-1616)

Even at a young age, while I enjoyed the practice of joining these self-indulgent fantasies, I had a penchant for creating my own characters even if the world was not my own. Presumably, having this in a developed world created the necessary “accepted rules” which each of us as creators would play by but that is neither here nor there. The point is that when I joined the Robin Hood thread, I chose not only to ignore joining Robin’s merry band of nitwits but threw my lot in with the Sheriff of Nottingham. Of course, it didn’t feel right playing the  eponymous character (especially since the Robin player had already written him in a few of his posts) so I started to develop the deputy. Because every good sheriff needs a deputy. Only, I was all too prepared to have mine play the role of the villain.

My first post was a despicable introduction of abuse of power and megalomania. He terrorized Maid Marian, extorted peasants, berated and whipped subordinates and smeared the good name of the sheriff at every possible turn. The introduction of this character had a rather unexpected effect on the game. Suddenly, the focus was immediately redirected from the sheriff and King John to trying to deal with this abhorrent individual. The characters and events began to drift away from the classic tale and many of us began to fight out this grand struggle between minor and imagined characters that was far more compelling and gripping than the one between Robin and the sheriff. This struggle was made all the more difficult and gripping beneath the one universal rule of free-form roleplaying – you may never write a fellow player’s character’s actions or do irrevocable harm or damage to them without their permission. I couldn’t, say, just march a contingent of soldiers into Robin’s lair and murder him in cold blood. Likewise, none of his band were capable of just hunting my deputy down and slitting his throat alone and unloved by his fellows.



Portrait of Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo by Willem Key (1515-1568)

Instead, the battleground played out between NPCs. I arrested and imprisoned loved ones and those closest to my enemies. They worked vigilantly to discredit my name with the sheriff and king as well as prepare the peasants to resist me whenever I showed up. I don’t remember how it ended but I think part of my final downfall came when a new player arrived to take the role of Maid Marian.

What’s important about this rambling tale, however, is that all of this was possible with only the barest of rules. Since every member of the group was focused on “playing their role” the entire crux of the game revolved around the interplay between player actions, decisions and goals. Nothing was scripted and there was no rewards for us other than developing a damn good yarn between all our meddling hands.

I’ve always approached RPGs with this sort of attitude. I spend a lot of time developing my character, understanding the world and imagining the desires and goals of the person I play. I don’t really care for the mechanical creation of a character. Stating, powers and abilities represent a tangled mess that interferes with the creation process. Instead of just creating a “despicable deputy” I’m forced to consider what skills he has four more ranks in than not, how many “agility points” he has for blocking damage, whether he has enough strength to lift his longsword or not and on and on it goes. And while these limitations can offer additional fleshing that you wouldn’t consider otherwise, more often than not it is almost entirely devoted to elements that don’t form a character but a mechanical automaton.

Which brings me to the rollplayer. My friend Jeremy is one of those other, alien players. They are most excited delving into the systems of the game, learning the intricacies of the combat and skill checks. They derive more pleasure from creating extensive leveling plans, stating out all the perks, feats, proficiencies, powers, spells, abilities and other goodies that they anticipate receiving. Their character isn’t the vengeful victim of the crimes committed by a rampaging deputy in his unswerving hunt for outlaws in the forest. Instead, they are playing the 4/5/1/3/6 Rogue/Shadow Dancer/Shapeshifter/Divine Matriarch/Gooblygook. They create killing machines meant to defeat whatever challenges will be thrown at them, delighting in the combination of powers delved from the obscurest supplement or magazine that can destroy even the god statelines themselves!


Soldiers of Fortune by Francisco Fernandi (1679-1740)

And don’t get me wrong, there isn’t any right or wrong way to play these games. They’re obviously designed for both styles. There are reams of comprehensive rules for managing combat and challenges between individuals. Whereas a duel between people from the Robin Hood adventure would essentially be a few days of colourful riposting and parrying, the conclusion of the combat will inevitably be a draw or well established before the two participants strike the first blow. The classic dungeon delve would fall completely apart in a free-form framework. And those challenges are the ones that rollplayers delight in the most.
Whereas, I am quite happy playing an entire session without throwing a single die. Obviously, not everyone is the same and it’s probably more accurate to say players fall on the spectrum of roll-role playing. And it is the duty of the DM to figure out the perfect balance for the players that she is running for. Sometimes, group dynamics make the games really difficult to balance if you have a collection of extremes. I’ll never truly enjoy combat in tabletop games. Likewise, some players will never enjoy social intrigue and politics. But if you can get a group together that share the same interests and have a DM that likes running and developing adventures in that style… well, then you will have a damn good evening that leaves your players eagerly anticipating each session and writing long, rambling complaints whenever they get canceled.

Pretty But Dead

Pretty But Dead – Why Breastplate Doesn’t Include Breasts


Look upon this travesty and despair!

So this weekend there was apparently a marathon of bad children’s movies. One that happened to catch my attention was Percy Jackson And The Butchered Greek Mythology. I was intrigued by it partly by my sister’s mention that she had attempted the books and partly because Heather is an avid fan. How bad could it be, I wondered.

Well, pretty bad. But that’s not what I want to discuss today. Instead, I’d rather talk about a very specific, nit-picky detail that has farther reaching cultural infiltration. Specifically, when Percy arrived at the awkwardly titled Camp Half Blood there was a greater crime committed than horribly mangling the most culturally saturated mythology in the Western Hemisphere. I am, of course, speaking of Alexandra Daddario.

Though, to be fair to the young actress, it wasn’t her rather lackluster performance but more the costume she was squeezed into. Despite the impracticality of traditional sword warfare in a modern world riddled with guns, for some bizarre reason every single girl at this camp had been issued a custom fitted leather cuirass complete with delightful boob pouches. Granted, this design for women’s armour wasn’t a unique creation of the Percy Jackson movies. In fact, this type of armour design is rather ubiquitous in modern times.


I mentioned how ludicrous this armour was which prompted a rather curious response from my family. “Women aren’t men!” they proclaimed, “and they can’t wear men’s armour. That would be uncomfortable.”

Well, of course it would be uncomfortable. Armour has always been uncomfortable. There was a kid in my high school who was really into the Medieval Ages and had a hobby of creating chain mail shirts. He was kind enough to lend me a finished one that he had fashioned for the day and I walked around school with it on. And I can tell you, the thing was heavy, cumbersome and restricting. But had I got into a knife fight, it probably would have spared my life or at the very least a few extra knife holes.

See, the sole function of armour is to deflect blows and edges from striking and piercing your fleshy bits. It’s not designed to be comfortable or a fashion statement. They’re basically giant metal shells that people wore if their lord valued their life over the handful of arrows that the enemy would drop you with. Having two large mounds in the middle of your chest is going to do the exact opposite of that. Those big pretty hills are going to be directing blows right into your chest instead of away thus increasing the likelihood that an attack pierces the metal and kills you.


Female Drow Armour designed by I Tavaron. See more at his deviant art page:

As such, function has always trumped form. In fact, the concept that a woman’s shapely bits would even need special pounded pouches in the outer metal plates is rather ludicrous when you consider traditionally what was worn underneath. Warriors didn’t just throw a naked brigandine over their body. They wore a rather large padded jacket called a gambeson in order to cushion the body against the metal, absorb some of the kinetic energy of a blow and to reduce chaffing. Straight from wikipedia: “It was very insulatory and thus uncomfortable, but its protection was vital for the soldier.”

Over this, you would then wear the aforementioned chain mail shirt. Then you would finally wear your breastplate, cuirass, brigandine or what have you. If a woman managed to keep her shape through all that then surely she would make even the Venus of Willendorf jealous. Even more worrisome, if a woman fell over in one of these metal bodices, the pressure of the impact, increased by the weight of the armour itself, could very well crack her sternum which could lead to damaging your heart and lungs. These breasted plates are less protective shells and more metal death traps.

To give the misguided designers a bit of credit, however, I can only assume that they were inspired by the classic  Grecian muscle cuirass commonly depicted in Roman and Greek art. Here we have finely articulated pieces included nipples, navels, abs and defined pectorals. Surely if the Ancient Greeks wore these then they must have been real. Except, archaeological finds of relatively unadorned cuirasses suggest otherwise. Considering the muscle cuirasses were typically depicted on generals and emperors suggests that these were strictly ornamental pieces used to display the idealized physique than actual armour suited for combat.


If ancient men can have them why can’t modern women, you sexist!

Unless, of course, ancient smiths were secretly trying to off the management during combat with faulty design. Which, if ancient bosses were anything like modern ones, might not be too far fetched.

This, of course, isn’t to say that you can’t take the unique physiological differences between men and women into consideration when crafting and creating armour for either sexes. It just depends how much you care about them being fitted and alive over pretty and dead.


And not a breast to be seen though she’s got quite the upper shelf, if you know what I mean.

Tolkien’s Strangulation

I have sad news. I tried to do an easy post today only to discover that I’ve already thrown up all my D&D stories. I have something I can dip into when I get busier with other work but, alas, I have nothing for the moment. What does that mean for you, intrepid readers? Simply that you’re going to get more poorly written, rambling, stream-of-conscious essays.

Which brings us to today’s that I’m tentatively calling:

Tolkien’s Strangulation:

The Dominance of Medieval Fantasy


Kind of cute, isn’t it?

This blog is rather dominated by the creative process with an emphasis on world building. As such, there’s going to be a natural bias towards fantasy writing. Fantasy, of all genres, is perhaps the most focused on creating new worlds. I’ve made mention that I believe it’s one of its biggest draws. Which isn’t to say that its brother genre – science fiction – doesn’t have an emphasis on world building: just that fantasy’s is greater. I think this arises from fantasy’s use of magic. Unlike science, which is heavily based on our own understandings of the natural laws and phenomenon of our world, magic and its existence fundamentally changes the fabric of an imagined universe. In science fiction settings, we can generally assume that gravity works as it does in our lives, that the basic principles of of chemistry and physics apply and that the laws that govern the natural world function according to shared fundamental principles. If you look at a world like Mass Effect, while it does include lots of supernatural and fantastical elements, it spends a great portion of time justifying those elements in a framework closely mirroring our scientific knowledge.

The result? We end up with pages of lore dedicated to explaining how faster than light travel works, how species are capable of psychic abilities and the chemical composition of ‘omni-gel.’ In contrast, if you look at something like Harry Potter, there is almost zero consideration for how the universe itself functions. Even taking place in the modern world with the dominance of the scientific method, there is little understanding for why spells require wands, latin and specific hand motions. There is no great detailing about the ecological impacts that dragons and giants would have on their environments and why these mythical beasts must be kept from non-magical eyes. None of its fantastical elements are justified within its own universe and each element is treated as a new spectacle to awe and entertain. It’s only explanation is that “it’s magic” and that’s all that seems required.


It’s remarkable how lovely these medieval fantasy settings are. It’s almost as if people forget the time period was called the Dark Ages for a reason.

There is a natural expectation from the readership that magic is unknowable. It is the stuff of stage magicians and the whole draw is that it can dazzle and entertain. Hermione sets paper fluttering by with a simple announcement of “Leviosa.” Gandalf chases off a flock of mounted ring wraiths with a beam from his flashlight staff. And I don’t even know what the hell is going on with the Game of Throne’s but apparently it involves women and lots of sex. Wizards, by their nature and mastery of this unknown force, are generally mysterious characters themselves. They rarely are the major actors in their tale and instead take a supportive role, guiding and mentoring some shmuck that is more  relateable  to the reader instead of just waving his arm and solving the crisis himself.

One need only think of Gandalf from Lord of the Rings to see all of this encapsulated. Now, I’m fairly certain given Tolkien’s desire for creating a modern myth, Gandalf drew heavily upon such classic figures as Merlin and Odin. But this isn’t called “Viking Strangulation” and that’s because so much of fantasy’s tropes are dominated by Tolkien world creation that it’s obvious where most of the inspiration is coming from. Before Tolkien, elves were obnoxious wee folk that lived in dirty holes. Dwarves most certainly weren’t the drunkard, beard loving, elf hating midgets that we have now and halflings weren’t even a thing in old mythology. The success of the Lord of the Rings had such an impact on the genre that the majority of its literature is essentially a reiteration of Tolkien’s world.

Because of the influence of mythology, his world is very rooted in the medieval time period. Though there is little representation of the complex peerage system or the dominance of a centralized church, the technological development of the world is approximate to that time. This led to the development of the Medieval Fantasy subgenre and a quick look over any fantasy section in a bookstore will show how ubiquitous this is. Which is fascinating to me since fantasy is no more beholden to medieval settings than science fiction is to alternate realities of the modern era. Lacking such a domineering figure as Tolkien, science fiction seems liberated to explore as many different stories and themes that it likes. A brief look at some of the largest contributors to the field demonstrate it’s variety. Star Wars is as different as Dune is as different as Neuromancer is as different as Ender’s Game is as different as 2001: A Space Odyssey is as different as The Time Machine.

And then you look at fantasy: Lord of the Rings vs A Game of Thrones vs A Wheel of Time vs Name of the Wind vs Eragon vs Assassin’s Apprentice…

And on and on it goes.


Frank Frazetta art.

It’s a fascinating situation especially since fantasy is arguably more successful than science fiction. Though, to be fair to the genre, urban fantasy is making a large impact now with things like Twilight and Harry Potter having such financial pull (though you could argue that these are are just spawned from Narnia’s success). My only point is that this ubiquitous isn’t necessary. Fantasy isn’t behooved to remain stuck in the Dark Ages. There is no reason that fantasy can’t cover a score of time periods and locations. A setting like Planescape is completely fantastical and even though it is a Dungeons and Dragons setting it is almost entirely alien to any of its other products.

As such, my writing has been leaning away from the standard fantasy tropes. I have my D&D shorts but my novel is fullblown steampunk set in the middle of the 1800s. I ideas for a fantasy story based solely on Native American mythology, tropical island settings, ancient Greek settings, dark modern setting…

There is a wealth of options available once we stop thinking that fantasy means pointy eared elves, knights in shining armour and endless princesses that need rescuing.

War Never Changes – Fallout and the Monomyth

fallout-new-vegas-wallpaper-2War, war never changes.

Except when it does.

It’s a bit of a slow news day so I thought I’d spend today discussing something that I love. Followers of this blog will surely know that both Derek and myself are avid fans of role-playing games. They’re a remarkable mode for gaming and storytelling, often harking back to a time of pulp science fiction and fantasy when stories were meant to tickle the sense of wonder and excitement in its readership. Derek has made comment on how early Dungeons and Dragons, as envisioned by Gary Gygax himself, was focused on fantastical scenarios and peoples that placed the player in a traditional hero’s role.

This set-up is considered rather rudimentary as time goes on, the material reaches a greater audience and tastes mature for more complex narratives. This bleeds down into story designs as the classic hero’s journey is forced to adapt and change to its creator’s desires and fans demands. Fantasy and science fiction, perhaps more than any other genres, have a long history of tapping into the primordial hero’s journey and it is no surprise that games derived from that material share prominent elements of its design.


Speaking of pulp, you can’t get more Frank Frazetta than this.

And while there may be some contention and criticism of Joseph Campbell’s “monomyth” that spawned the idea of a generalized Hero’s Journey, there is some use in its structure. The journey, as envisioned in its most simplistic form, begins with an unremarkable member of a tribe receiving a call to adventure. This typically represents some dire need to the community that necessitates the hero venturing forth from his known world into the unknown often receiving advice and assistance from mentors and supernatural entities in order to descend into a transformative period characterized by trials and challenges that culminate with the death of the hero as he knowns himself only to be reborn and return with whatever plot device he was sent to retrieve in the first place.

Thus, Campbell envisioned the standard format for mythology and you can see the basic structure in many common tales from The Hobbit to the original Star Wars. For today, I want to focus on a single video game series in particular.

Fallout was created by the now defunct Interplay Entertainment and is set in a post-apocalyptic 23rd century retrofuturistic world. The visual design of the series is characterized by 1950 cold war Americana which plays upon the period’s hopefulness for the potential of technological improvements to our lives combined with the paranoia of global nuclear holocaust caused by the same technology. The first game follows the protagonist from Vault 13: underground nuclear holdouts built to shelter society from the impending fallout of global war. For generations these  people have lived underground, waiting patiently for the devastation from the war to clear so they can emerge and begin rebuilding society. Unfortunately, your Vault’s water supply begins to break down and the protagonist is selected to head out into the wasteland to find a replacement before his community dies from dehydration.

Now, I never played the first game and only the first hours of the second but I did read up on their stories. As you can begin to see, Fallout 1 begins with the classic hero’s journey setup. However, one interesting thing about Science Fiction is that, more often than Fantasy, while the stories draw on the monomyth the structure and themes are more often to be criticized and undermined. In Fallout, after the player successfully discovers a replacement water chip for the Vault and saves the world from a mutant army and its master set on global domination, he is denied returning to his home. The Overseer is fearful that the journey has changed the hero too much and worries that his experiences would destabilize the community so he exiles him in order to maintain order.


I’m fairly certain all these pictures belong to the Fallout IP. I don’t know what that means in terms of ownership, however.

Fallout 2 begins much the same. Years after the first, you discover that the protagonist of the first game created a primitive village called Arroyo. At the start of the game, the village is undergoing the worst recorded drought in memory and the village elder recruits the protagonist – the direct descendant of the first game – to search out a Garden of Eden Creation Kit in order to terraform the earth and make it more bountiful. Once again we have unremarkable tribe member being called forth by fate and circumstance to venture from home to rescue his community. And much like the first game, this structure is subverted when your entire village is kidnapped while you are away. Course, this story ends a little more traditionally with the protagonist helping his people.

Likewise, when Interplay went under and Bethesda scooped up the rights to Fallout to make the third installment, we return once again to the monomyth structure. You are a child of a very prominent scientist in a Vault near Washington D.C. Fallout 3 was interesting in that the prologue was spent with you growing up in the Vault before reaching young adulthood to discover that your father has disappeared one night and the Overseer for the Vault has gone mad from this abandonment and sent security after you. Here, we see the undermining of the monomyth pretty quickly as you’re chased out from your community and you spend a majority of your time searching for your father and answers for why you were exiled.

While the Hero’s Journey concept was very influential in guiding some creator’s like George Lucas with Star Wars, there is no denying that the idea has some flaws. First amongst them is the gross generalization of so many rich and varied stories into very stripped components as to lose their flavour. But the monomyth further promotes almost anti-populist ideals as, inevitably, the hero upon return is elected into a social elite and his myth is performed as justification for the standing of the current ruling class. More than anything, the Fallout series challenges to this structure undermine the authority of the leadership. In the first game, the Overseer’s “reward” for the hero’s work and loyalty is exile. In the second game, the primary antagonist is the President of the United States who is determined to unleash a virus that will kill all mutated organisms in America to restore a level of purity that his community can rule (and they must test this virus on your people first to make sure it works). In Fallout 3, not only are you chased out by the Overseer who is paranoid that you and your father are seeking to destabilize his rule, but you also learn that all Vaults were designed as cruel social experiments wherein humanity’s survival was pushed aside in order to test scenarios like some vaults being composed of all men or the outcome of calculated system failures on community morale and cohesiveness. Almost universally, authority is portrayed as cruel, paranoid, manipulative or just downright ineffective. And this isn’t even touching on the fact that the setting itself already underwent a global nuclear war – the very definition of a worldwide failure of leadership in the modern era.


Unless I put the keywords Fallout and the monomyth right beside each other, Google gets angry.

This theme reached its height of complexity with Fallout: New Vegas. Now, players were cast as a free agent – a courier with a simple task of delivering an innocuous chip to one of the few surviving cities to not be devastated by nuclear bombardment. New Vegas is the surviving area of Las Vegas still powered by the functioning Hoover Dam and run by the excessively reclusive Mr. House. Only, things aren’t peaceful in the Mojave Desert as both the NCR and Caesar’s Legion are waging a bloody war with one another over the area and its resources. For the first time, players were no longer tied to a Vault beginning and the cruel failures of the past governing regimes. You would expect this liberation from the monomyth set-up to perhaps avoid criticism of authority. However, as you begin to explore the Mojave Desert and interact with the three major factions, you start coming across criticism of each group. NCR is seen as a bloated and corrupted  bureaucratic nightmare where the prosperity and wellbeing of its citizens is pushed aside to pursue individual greed and narrow-sighted victory against their enemy at any cost. Caesar’s Legion is a brutal amalgamation of the various wasteland tribes seeking order through a very strict application of the ancient Roman army standard complete with cultural assimilation, slavery and unyielding military hierarchy. Mr. House is just plain crazy (as well as an iron handed manipulator who forces obedience to his reformations through business contracts enforced at the end of an army of unwavering robots).

I don’t think it comes as any surprise that the most popular ending is the one that eschews all factions and strives for a liberated New Vegas.

In this way, the Fallout series has used the mythical Hero’s Journey as a form of social criticism of authority. It’s a brilliant use of the format, taking the natural benefit of the early stages to introduce the players to the Fallout world by establishing a rather peaceful sense of normal (either in the Vault or a small village). Then, by natural exploration of the elements of the monomyth, the developers examine the moral authority of rulers and questions whether people in charge truly deserve the encompassing power that they wield. More often than not, it’s the smaller communities that eschew these more centralized governments that are the most idyllic. Goodsprings in New Vegas is a functioning community with no clear rulership and a pleasant and satisfied people. Rivet city in Fallout 3 follows in the same lines, relying on co-operation between its scientists and military for safety and well-being. Arroyo in Fallout 2 had an elder but its governing structure was nowhere near as striated as the Vaults.

When I first started playing the Fallout games, I thought it’s little tagline about war was cute if a little shortsighted. Surely, on its surface, war has changed as the battle being fought between Caesar’s Legion and NCR is certainly nowhere near the level as the war that brought about the end of civilization. But then, when you sit back and examine the motives for these wars, you find that it’s all the same.  The smaller communities like Goodsprings and Arroyo never initiate these wars.  All these conflicts are fueled by power hungry leaderships striving for more than what is necessary.

Ranger_at_New_Vegas_entranceAnd in that sense, Ron Perlman is right: War never changes.

Burden Of Knowledge – Roleplaying In Fantasy

Well, Derek continues to struggle without the conveniences of modern life and thus deprives me of material for my blog posts. Much like him, I had planned to spend a few days here and there giving my own impressions of his campaign as well as the development of my character. Dungeons and Dragons is a curious little game that can serve as practice for characterization and character growth and can teach tricks and techniques that are applicable to writing. In fact, both my sister and I have used previous role-playing sessions as the basis for shorts where we explore our character’s thoughts and feelings of the events that transpired in a little more depth.

Basically, a D&D session contains all the necessary components for writing a scene. It has multiple characters with different motivations, action, tension and resolutions. For the budding author, the great thing is that you don’t have to worry about the others. While playing, you just have your own character to deal with. And often times you will be just as surprised as your character by the decisions of the people that share your table and your party.


The Negotiator by Horace Vernet (1834)

But all role-playing has some weaknesses. The player must draw upon the skills of an actor if they wish to truly play their character. They must separate their own self from their persona. This is an incredibly tricky proposition, one that requires practice in order to succeed. Otherwise the player’s own knowledge, experience and bias will bleed into the game. This “meta” knowledge is generally considered to be undesirable, though it can often serve a positive function that I may address in a future post.

I don’t want to go into the whole issue of meta-gaming in this post. It’s just important to have a basic understanding as I address my primary concern for today. As followers will know, Derek has been very informative in describing the world of Ikan’s Light. This is more than just filler content that he can copy and paste for his daily submissions. It helps to give the players an understanding of the world and some of the cogs that make it turn. Unfortunately, from a player perspective, there is only so much he can cover whether that be due to brevity or mystery for the campaign’s storyline. This creates a gap for the reader in their understanding of the world. A gap that doesn’t exist for the actual actors within it.

This leads to what I’m tentatively calling “the burden of knowledge.” The formation of an individual’s personality is so reliant upon the experiences and information they have gained through their life that almost every study of an individual will necessitate the exploration of their childhood and known world long before whatever events drew them to prominence. When we look at Hitler, we don’t just discuss the Beer Hall Putsch and beyond. It’s fairly well known that Adolf Hitler originally had aspirations of being an artist until the fickle hand of fate would direct him down a path of infamy and people ponder how things would have been different if he’d succeeded.


Interior of the Nieuwie Kerk in Delft by Emanuel de Witte (1651)

Likewise, the characters in role-playing campaigns didn’t spring suddenly into being when they crossed the threshold into some musty tavern’s hall. Awhile ago I posted a short story about my character Kase van der Nevel. That was an attempt to try and understand the background of my character a little better, especially since I am trying to avoid the sort of stock characters I often fall into playing with these games. In that story, I covered an episode from Kase’s past but though it wasn’t told through his eyes, I spent time developing some of the individuals and interactions he would have during his youth. Though it may be the briefest glimpse into his history, I hoped that it would give a bit of insight into his character. In it, I established things like his relationship with his mother and community.

But in writing this short I came across a troublesome issue. I was stumbling around in a world of fog with just the faintest outlines of shapes to guide my path. Most of my description and references to history were vague or not intrusive. I was just a visitor to this world and I hadn’t the knowledge to properly know what life in Kase’s village would be like. I didn’t know its history beyond the few paragraphs provided for the Dalmistig province. It would be rude and unproductive to invent my own history for the area since Derek is the arbitrator for the world and any conflicts are resolved solely in his hands. I can’t know the history of Dalmistig beyond what Derek provided since I don’t know how much he’s developed and how integrated it is into his world.

I’m going to make a confession. Authors have no idea what they’re doing. There isn’t some grand codex that details how you go about making a story. There are lots of guides but those are merely suggestions by those that have come before us. At the end of the day, writing is a very personal craft and each individual has his own method that works for him. However, I have no doubt that there are many gaps in the history and community of the misty hills if only because it is physically impossible for Derek to have detailed and outlined every single aspect. I know there is room for mutual creation in this world. I just don’t know where that room is.


Interior of a Protestant Gothic Church by Emanuel de Witte (1668)

Unlike most collaborations, one side here has a very prominent advantage. I can’t know the depths of Derek’s knowledge or where the actual holes rest that are waiting for me to plant my own posts. All players work at a deficiency compared to the Dungeon Master. Which is to be expected. The DM puts in far more hours of preparation for the adventures and campaigns and their grasp of the world is expected to be more advanced so that they can dazzle players with exciting new locales and events as well as resolve any questions or problems that arise from the players’ end.

And this puts the player in a tight spot. They can’t just run off, making up what they need for their characters without running the risk of contradictions. They also don’t have insight into a lot of the true history and culture of the worlds they’re stepping into. How then are they expected to play their characters in way that is nature with this deficiency? A player is like a visitor arriving in Japan, trying to seamlessly fit in with their culture and ways with only a collection of books and t.v. shows to work off. In the end, they can’t hide their true origins.

For me this problem is an ever growing one. The more fantastic the world becomes, the less grasp I have on it. A game like Vampire the Masquerade has a built in mechanism to ease this burden of knowledge. The games take place on Earth with most players coming from the human populations which have all progressed along analogous lines to modern times. But in Ikan’s Light, the world is so vastly different that there is no prior knowledge I can rely upon for my understanding.

Now, what is the ramifications of all this rambling? Most people don’t take issue with it and role-playing games are certainly very popular despite of it. For me, it has a direct impact on character personality and decisions. Most players, I would hazard, play characters similar to them or their interests. These ‘stock’ characteristics are likely drawn upon through campaigns and across different worlds. I don’t need to know the minutia of Kase’s life if he thinks and acts like me. But the more drastic departure from my own  demeanor, the less I’m able to rely upon my own experiences to direct his actions.


Embarkation of a Queen by Agostino Tasse (1615)

As I mentioned, my hope for Kase is to explore a personality far different from what I’m used to. I want to bring to life an individual that is shaped by tradition and has wholly committed himself to a belief that he has no capabilities of understanding. He is a faith based individual, throwing aside his own personal expectations and bowing before the commands of a higher power. Critical and independent consideration of conflicts and events are an alien method and I really want to examine that sort of blind faith people can put behind a cause.

It’ll be an interesting challenge, I think, and one I look forward to when it finally begins. And while I wished I was more prepared going into it, hopefully Derek won’t mind my own personal tendency for world building and filling in gaps of his world. At the end of the day, role-playing is all about challenging yourself through exploring a strange world in the shoes of another, striving not for your own needs and desires but someone else’s entirely as they struggle against the conflicts arrayed against them. Even if that person doesn’t even exist.