Category Archives: Creative Stuff

The Sliver – Part 1 of 6

“Just admit it!”

            “Why do you always do this?”
            “Do what?”
            “Why can’t you just admit that you made a mistake.”
            “I will when I have made one.”
            “Arrggg, you are so frustrating!”
            He let the branch snap back.
            She uttered a few expletives as the thin twig cracked in her face, slapping thick green leaves still heavy with the recent rainfall. In annoyance, she ripped the branch from the tree and tossed it carelessly aside. Perhaps not the most befitting behaviour for a Defender of the Wild but right now wasn’t the time to care about posterity.
            “Alright then, if you know so much, where are we headed.”
            “Away from those things.”
            “And out of the woods?”
            “With any luck.”
            “Just say it already, we’re lost.”
            “No. I know exactly where we are.”
            “We’re right here.”
            She frowned.
            “Was that your attempt at humour?”
            “I’m a fighter, not a lover.”
            “So why did you run away from those bugs.”
            “Just trying to keep up with you.”
            There were days when she could just kill him. Today was shaping up to be one of those days.
            She sighed, shifting the weight of her quiver on her shoulder. The thin leather container wasn’t that heavy any more, not since most of the arrows had been loosed. She only had six left which her brother was forbidding her from using. He wanted them to have something to go hunting with and he kept saying she’d need all of them just to hit the broad side of a temple.
            Kait looked up to the forest canopy. It wasn’t the densest she’d ever seen, the sun still shone through large breaks in the leafy roof. Judging by it’s passage, they’d been walking for almost three hours. And her legs were starting to feel it.
            “Can we take a break yet?” she called.
            “Just a few more minutes.”
            “That’s what you said half an hour ago.”
            “Well, the longer we walk, the sooner we’ll get out.”
            “I can’t walk if I keel over from hunger and fatigued.”
            “You don’t hear Calos complaining.”
            “I don’t hear Calos say anything.”
            She turned back to make sure the third member of their little party was still keeping up. He was a short man, with curly hair and green eyes that looked like they had been stolen from the scenery around them. He gave her a weak smile once he realized she was watching him, picking up his pace to keep in step.
            “You make that sound like a bad thing,” her brother smiled.
            It is when someone doesn’t shout for help because of some misplaced piety towards a vow of silence, Kait frowned, thinking of the little encounter they just withdrew from.
            The scene had been pretty much the same. The three of them were marching through a trackless forest with each tree and bush looking like the last. She had been bickering with her brother mostly because his pig-headedness demanded that he refuse to acknowledge any mistake he’d made. And this mistake happened to be a detour through some forsaken brush ominously named The Forbidden Woods or Abandoned Forest or whatever Creshnalik was supposed to mean in the local tongue.
            For whatever reason, Keirn was under the impression that she should have been the one leading them: that somehow she was supposed to have some natural affinity for trail blazing foreign landscapes. The only landscape she was use to blazing was the single story, single room school with the tiny dirt path connecting it to the rest of the small hamlet the two of them came from. She had no familiarity with animal trails or a keen eye for identifying one type of scat from another. She was lucky if she could get through her own grammar lessons.
            And Calos wasn’t much of a help to their current circumstances. He had mentioned only a handful of words since he joined up with them. It was easy for Kait to sometimes forget that the young man was even with them. And it was during a particularly heated debate between herself and her brother that Calos decided exert his existence. It took a few seconds for Kait to identify the strange tugging sensation on her clothes and when she turned around, all irate and ready for a confrontation, she saw a looming ten foot insect descending from the branches and leaves towards them.
            With compound eyes brimming with bestial malice, this creature appeared intent on inserting the long, sabre like proboscis protruding from its face into their pale, soft flesh. Face with such a monstrosity, the three of them did what any common, decent individual would do.
            They ran as fast as their legs and packs would allow them.
            So, whatever intuitive path Keirn may have been following earlier had been abandoned in their hasty retreat. But would he stop and let them rest, gather their bearings and perhaps try to find a suitable way out of this endless wood? No, of course not. He was hellbent on getting them inextricably lost till they ran out of food and water and starved to death. Or worse, become some fertile host for these ravenous arthropods’ larvae, destined to be eaten alive in their early stage of maturity. Kait quietly wished Jeremiah or Derrek were still her to help argue some sense in him
            Kait’s stomach growled loudly and she raised a hand to quell it. She looked up at her brother, balancing on a rotted log with some cast off stick in his hands like an explorer’s staff. He looked at the underbrush with a discerning eye, as if he could pierce the foliage to find some hidden path beneath.
            “How about a rest for some food?”
            “I’m not sure, we don’t want to eat everything right away,” he cautioned.
            “Well, that’s all well and good, but I’m starving.”
            “Just think how bad you’ll feel in a few more days without any.”
            “We’re in a forest! Even if we don’t catch a rabbit, there will be some mushrooms or berries or something else we can eat.”
            “Really?” Keirn asked. He straightened, looking about the empty wood. “Aside from those gia-normous bugs, I haven’t seen anything that’s edible. Unless you like the taste of ferns.”
            “You obviously haven’t been paying attention then,” Kait scolded. “It’s a forest, obviously there’s going to be food.”
            “Have you seen any?”
            “Well, I haven’t been looking since I’ve got some perfectly edible food in my pack.”
            “For three people, for however long it takes for us to find civilization again?”
            “Look, there’s going to be something around here.”
            Kait turned, stomping into the undergrowth. She recognized some of these plants but most were useless ferns and grasses. Sure, she could probably do something with a few of the mosses if she had to, but there surely had to be some rabbit tracks or bush berries around here.
            But, after a few minutes, Kait hadn’t found anything.
            “Well?” her brother smugly pressed.
            “I haven’t given up yet!” Kait shot back.
            However, there was a disturbingly lack of edible life that she could see. In fact, as she stood still in the underbrush scanning the endless stretch of trees, she was struck by the unnatural stillness of the forest. She hadn’t noticed before because of the arguing and the enormous insect, but there was a shocking lack of life in these woods. There weren’t any chirping of birds, shaking undergrowth from frightened animals or buzzing of normal sized insects.
            “How peculiar,” Kait muttered.
            “Isn’t it?” Keirn asked, jumping from the log and stepping beside her. “I noticed it a while back and have been keeping an eye out for anything: a deer, boar or bear even. But there’s nothing.”
            “How is that possible? An environment cannot continue without a diverse ecosystem to support it.”
            “I’m sorry… what?”
            “There’s no way this forest could be here without animals.”
            “Ominous… still want your lunch break?”
            “Of course!” Kait exclaimed, making her way back to the rotted log, plopping down and removing some leaf wrapped bread. Calos and a reluctant Keirn joined her, and she broke off some pieces for them. She enjoyed the quiet moment, savouring the crusty and slightly mouldy taste of the bread and the lukewarm water kept in the water skins.
            As she munched away, she let her mind puzzle over the peculiar ecological phenomenon she was sitting squarely within. She may not have been a classically educated scholar, but she did enjoy reading. While she spent her days in the tiny school, filling the vacuous heads of those bratty merchant children with basic arithmetic and spelling, she filled her evenings pouring over the dusty journals and manuscripts she purchased from those same merchant families. These varied from the natural sciences and philosophies to advance algebra and medicine. While most of it she didn’t understand, her favourite books were those on the natural world and the tomes on rocks and animals shared the prestigious place above her hearth with her cherished childhood tales.
            None of the scholarly works, however, ever mentioned a forest or wood existing without any animal life to maintain the natural rot and fertilization of the plants. The only scholars she recalled mentioning anything remotely similar were those espousing the horrors of lumbering upon the inhabitants of the forests. Course, the absence of wildlife in those instances was caused by the clearing of the trees they nested in to build the massive navies kings seemed to crave nowadays.
            “Alright, let’s get going,” Keirn replied, stoppering his water skin and tying it to his belt.
            Kait wrapped the remainder of her bread and tucked it into her pack before following her brother.
            It was another good hour or so of quiet trekking as Kait mused over the strangeness of the forest with Keirn continuing his aimless wandering and Calos walking quietly behind them both. Kait once again turned her thoughts to their absent companions. Surely Derrek would have some strange anecdotal story or obscure fact to make sense of this situation. He was far better at dredging up seemingly useless information from the dark depths of his mind.
            But he, too, was not here to lend his unique abilities.
            Kait was so wrapped in thought that she failed to notice the soft tugging at her shirt at first.
            “What is it?!” she spun around, frantically scanning the trees.
            “Wait,” was the solemn reply.
            The curly haired youth then ducked around her, quietly tugging on her brother’s shirt to get his attention as well. Then all three of them stood, the Faden’s wondering what had caused their companion to stop their progress. Calos simply raised a finger to his lips, signalling for them to be quiet before crouching low to the ground. The others followed suit.
            They stayed as still as possible, not even breathing, straining to hear any telling sign of some danger approaching. Instead, they only heard the rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze.
            “This is stupid,” Keirn muttered, standing suddenly. Calos’ hand quickly reached up and pulled him down again, pointing a small finger into the distance of the woods. Keirn and Kait leaned forward squinting in an attempt to see what was causing so much consternation.
            Calos looked from one sibling to the other. He was greeted with silent looks of confusion. Slightly frustrated, he waved them forward, still keeping low to the ground. They trudged through the forest for a little, until they came over a small mossy mound and Keirn and Kait saw the thinning of trees with a stretching field beyond.
            “Damnations!” Keirn muttered, falling behind the grassy protrusion.
            “Why are you cursing?” Kait whispered, “we’re out of the woods!”
            “And right into Angallan territory,” Keirn whispered. “That’s clearly farmland. I thought we were going to emerge at the Ukalie Plains!”
            “And what’s so wrong with the Angallans?”
            “Other than their xenophobic nature and propensity for arresting foreigners? You think this little trek through the woods was for fun?”
            “We’re not wanted in Angalla, are we?”
            Keirn gave a hurt expression.
            “You make me sound like some irreputable scoundrel.”
            Kait frowned.
            “What did you do?”
            “Nothing, I swear.”
            “It wasn’t my fault! Come on, let’s go,” he said, turning back from the field.
            “I’m not going back into the woods!” Kait declared. “Not with those monstrous things trying to eat us inside.”
            Keirn paused. He looked from Kait’s stern expression to Calos curious look. He nibbled his lower lip in thought, scrunching his face as he realized that there was little chance of persuading his sister.
            “Alright, how about we skirt the farmland? My guess is we just came out a little too east. If we head north, we should be able to follow the forest edge to the Plains. That way, we don’t get eaten and we don’t get captured.”

            Kait thought about it for a second, but failing to come up with a better plan, nodded slightly. Keirn walked around the mossy mound, Kait following closely behind. Only Calos took time to examine the mound with a curious look, noting its odd bulk and reminiscent shape of something completely different then a large pile of earth. However, he abandoned his observations in order to catch up with the others.

Continue to The Sliver Part 2 >

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Soul of Company – Part 2 of 2

< Return to Soul of Company Part 1

Keirn turned, summoning what little strength he had left to flee. He was tired of this ravine and its memories. He was tired of seeing the faces of the people which he had stormed away from. But, mostly, he was just tired. The snow grew deeper, clutching at his legs and tripping his feet. More than once he fell, unsure if each stumble would sap the last of his strength. Each time, he lay sprawled in the snow, the pain momentarily vanishing.

            But each time, the cold dug further, and he climbed shakily to his feet and pressed on.
            The trees parted, and the earth opened up to a shimmering lake surrounded by large rolling hills. The clouds were hidden behind the dance of the multitudinous flakes of snow. The wind whistled gentle across the scattered stones creating long snaking snowdrifts that wiggled across the frozen lake’s surface.
            It was elegant and peaceful. There sort of place young couples came to be alone and older couples returned to reminisce. It had strength in its pure beauty and natural tranquility. It was a fine place to rest. A fine place to sleep.
            But, of course, she was here.
            She sat upon the edge of the lake, watching his broken shuffle ambled towards her. Unlike the others, she didn’t wear her normal cloths. Instead, she wore a simple white gown that seemed to wash over her, blend with the very snow gathered around. She was not some ghost juxtaposed against the winter landscape, but a piece of the very environment, like another icicle or frosty tree.
            She looked upon him with eyes rimmed with tears. Like tiny diamonds, they dotted her cheeks, the cold and wind having frozen them to her face. She watched him till he was but a few feet away, the uttered a single word.
            Nothing else could have been so powerful. He didn’t know how to answer it. He had plenty of excuses; he had used many when they had parted ways. The rest he had saved for himself as he wandered alone and abandoned but all of them sounded hollow now. He just stared back.
            A single tear appeared at the corner of her eye. It trembled there, perched at the edge. When it finally jumped, it streaked down her round face, freezing before it reached the bottom of her chin. There it crystallized, catching what little light broke through the squall and holding the sunlight within like a frozen flame.
            “Why did you do it?”
            He was going to tell her all the reasons. If there was anyone who he would tell it would be her. He had plucked up the courage and strength to tell her all his fears. He was so tired of hiding it that he just wanted to share everything with her.
            Instead, his knees buckled and the ground embraced him.
            Is this it… am I dead?
I don’t feel anything.
            “You didn’t answer my question.”
            What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here. I should be alone.
            “Why Keirn?”
            Why is it so important now? Why can’t you just leave me? Leave me to die.
            “I will, once I have your answer.”
            Because, Kait! Because… because I…
            “You can’t even tell your sister? Do you think so little of me?”
            “Well then…”
            I’m afraid. I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose any of you.
            “How noble.”
            Don’t patronize me. I’m the one that is dying.
            “We’re all dying, in one way or another.”
            Since when did you become philosophical?
            “Oh, I’ve had someone tell me a thing or two.”
            Well here’s another. Leave me alone.
            “Why, so you can die?”
            Everyone dies alone.
            “Don’t be so dramatic. And stop being so pig headed. You can’t do everything by yourself.”
            Yes I can.
            “Well, excuse me. But last I checked, you’re the one that’s unconscious by the lake.”
            If I can’t do it on my own, then…
            “Then what?”
            Then there’s no guarantee I can do it with you. What if I fail when we’re together? What if I hadn’t stopped that gate and it had landed on Jeremiah? He would have been paralyzed. He wouldn’t be able to practice his healing. How do you think his parents would react? He has brothers and a sister too and do you think any of them are prepared to take care of a cripple?
            Or what if I didn’t stop that assassin from killing Derrek during his performance? What would I tell Aliessa? She would be heartbroken. And the kid has talent. He could be some playwright in the big city some day. There isn’t reason for him to be trudging through the mud and dirt of swampy villages in search of a warm meal and a comfy bed. He should be heading to the city, writing the next great performance!
            And had I not been there, you guys wouldn’t have been imprisoned. You wouldn’t have been hunted. Had Calandria been more vindictive, she could have killed you. What would I tell mother? We’re all that she has left. You’re all that she has left. She’s always been so worried about you.
            “Oh, so you’re pulling the martyr? Don’t you think that’s rather rich coming from you?”
            I dragged you guys into this. If I hadn’t you would be…
            “Sitting at home being bored out of our minds and dreaming about doing what we are doing now. You didn’t drag us into anything, we choose to come along. Don’t you understand, we’re a team! You aren’t solely responsible for all of our wellbeing. Besides, if you’re so worried about us, who’s going to worry about you?”
            I can take care of…
            “Don’t you understand? No one is asking for you to take care of yourself. We take care of each other! That’s why you got your friends to come along on this, isn’t it? That’s the reason that Jeremiah and the rest of us get so frustrated. You keep us all at arms length, making all the decisions and never involving us. The stories we heard back home are just that, stories. They aren’t real.”
            What do you want from me?
            “I want you to be you. Remember when we were kids and we would go running through the woods pretending to be knights? Remember the fun you had with Derrek playing all those tricks at school together? Remember all the nights you spent with Jeremiah beneath the stars talking about your futures? We want to be a part of your life again, stop pushing as away.”
            Isn’t it a little late for that?
            “It’s never too late.”  
            “I think he’s coming to.”
            He felt strange all over. It was like a thousand needles had been heated in a fire then stabbed into his body. Then, to top it off, he had been bathed in lime juice.
            He felt them standing over him before he even saw them. Lazily he opened his right eye, then the left. They were crowded by his bedside, all of them bleary eyed and tired. Kait was still wiping tears from her cheeks. Jeremiah looked indignant and Derrek, oddly, appeared genuinely concerned.
            “Move back, move back! Give him some room!” Jeremiah ordered. The other’s shuffled away, though only by a foot.
            “That was a close one.”
            “You wouldn’t believe the cuts you got!”
            “You scared us half to death!”
            “What were you thinking anyway?”
            The questions came at him in a barrage. Feebly, he scratched for his pillow in an attempt to block them out. However, his arms merely flopped like beached fish.
            “Well, what do you have to say for yourself!” Kait demanded.
            “Move aside, move aside, oh the poor soul.”
            An elderly, grey haired woman brushed his friends aside, carrying a small cup in her hands. It seemed rather clichéd for them to be gathered in some old hag’s home. However, those thoughts were immediately banished when the cup was lifted to his lips and he felt the cool water running down his throat.
            “What… are… you… do…ing…here…”
            “I’ll explain that,” Jeremiah said. He proudly stepped to the bedside, pulling a thin pendant out from around his neck. “I believe you’ll recognize this.”
            Keirn frowned at the piece of jewellery.
            “Not really… did your boyfriend give that to you?”
            “Funny. It’s actually yours, I forgot I was holding on to it.”
            Jeremiah handed the thing to him. Keirn took it, looking the object over. He shook his head.
            “I’ve never seen this before in my life.”
            Jeremiah turned to Kait who had a weird smile on her face.
            “You’re not really good at this, are you?” she accused. She walked over, taking the large center of the pendant in her hands and applied some pressure to its side. There was a small click and the thing opened. Keirn turned it around in his fingers.
            It was a picture of the four of them, though the picture wasn’t great quality. Clearly, it had been painted by some amateur that had waylaid the others in the streets. Hopefully they didn’t pay too much for it, but he had a feeling that his friends had once again been swindled by a welcoming smile and useless trinkets. Keirn looked back at his friends, who were all smiling.
            “Turn it over,” Kait prompted.
            Keirn obeyed. On the back, a message had been etched.
            Keirn and Company. Together Forever.
            He looked back at them, his face trying its hardest to appear unimpressed.
            “You wasted our hard earned coin on this… this… thing?”
            “Oh, I think he likes it,” Derrek laughed.
            “Remember when you were saying how one day you wanted to look back on these days fondly?” Kait smiled. “Well, now you have something to remember with. And look, it’s been enchanted so that the paint will never fade!”
            “I told you that when I had stones digging into my back and I was trying to fall asleep. Don’t you understand sarcasm?”
            “Yeah, he definitely likes it,” Jeremiah laughed. “Think of it as an early Birth gift.”
            “Gee… thanks…”
            “See, I told you he would thank us!” Kait laughed.
            “My, you foreign folk certainly have such strange customs,” the elderly woman muttered, taking the empty cup and shuffling from the room.

            Keirn slapped the clasp of the locket shut before shoving the thing under his pillow and rolling over. He felt so tired and so sore that all he wanted to do was sleep. Also, he didn’t want them to see him smiling so goofily. And, somewhere deep down, he felt… was this happiness?
“By the way, Keirn,” Derrek piped up, “where are your clothes?”

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Soul of Company Part 1 of 2

Everyone dies alone.

            His foot stumbled in the thick snow. Hands splayed out, he tumbled into the white powder, his aching body colliding with the frozen earth and scattered rocks hidden beneath winter’s white shroud.
            His skin was bare and bruised. Blood had long drained from the epidermis, seeking protection deeper within his core. It made him look pale; a ghastly apparition that, had anyone come across him, they would likely have mistaken him for winter’s spirit or some frightful fey instead of a human being.
            His feet finally found ground beneath him and using the coarse bark of a nearby sapling, he wretched himself from the ground. Small trickles of blood, like thin snaking ribbons, ran down from fresh cuts. The heat provided little, futile warmth to the blue skin.
            Naked and cold, this was how he was going to die.
            The world around him offered little comfort. Colv, known for its rugged and harsh land, was in the middle of a terrible winter. Temperatures had plummeted rapidly, choking the last of the crops with frosty fingers. As farmers were trying to salvage what they could, the snow swooped in. A sizeable amount of food store had been lost to the inclement weather. With the promise of kingdom wide shortages, it was really no surprise that the Colvians looked upon each new visitor with suspicion and half concealed hostility.
            Furthermore, excessive hunting had forced many of the native animals into retreat from the anxious hunters overly concerned about famine. Many plants and trees were withering from the early snowfall, unprepared for the sudden change in climate. It was the type of season that left the land barren and empty and wherever Keirn turned, he saw death.
            And all the while, the skies continued with their steady downfall. The snow drifting in thick curtains like flaking ash.
            He didn’t even know where he was headed anymore. His feet moved and his body followed. Had he once had a direction or destination in mind? He couldn’t tell. All that seemed to press on his mind was the overbearing cold, the chill in his body which he couldn’t even shiver out. His teeth had once clattered, his muscles had once twitched and his arms had at a time rubbed for heat. All that had stopped now. Only the shaky steps continued.
            Perhaps he was looking for a place to die.
            Had he one word of advice to pass on, it was this: if someone ever offers you a Colvian Nap quickly refuse and run away. Apparently, the tradition entailed being brought into the middle of some gods’ forsaken wood and stripped of all your belongings. Keirn wasn’t positive, but he suspecting that the beating was optional. Perhaps it was an additional ‘thank you’ for visiting Colv during these hospitable times. If Colvians are known for something, it’s their hospitality.
            This wasn’t how he had planned to go. Though most people usually don’t plan how they die, no one expects to perish in some strange foreign country, stripped of all their things and left to freeze to death in the wilderness. He was only twenty four years old and had looked forward to living at least triple that. He didn’t know what he was going to do with all that time; a predicament that had ultimately led him to his current state.
            As it was, it started many moons ago when Keirn had gotten the bright idea. Since he was at that important stage in life where one finally chooses their career and settles down, he was instead going to scrounge up what belongings he had and pursue a childhood dream of his.
            He was going to be an adventurer.
            Course, what the minstrels and bards don’t tell you in their stories is that adventuring is perhaps the worst possible career in existence. This likely explains why there are so few people in the field. However, Keirn hadn’t stopped to think about that. Instead, he had convinced his sister and two friends to join him on ‘discovering the world’. It sounded a lot better than ‘vigilantism’ and ‘grave robbing’. Apparently his friends agreed, as they had joined him on his mad quest.
            They had heard all the tales while growing up and knew what had to be done. At least they thought they did. They quickly discovered that you can’t just call yourself an adventurer and be done with it. Though they had initially decided each other’s role in the group, apparently the business worked quite differently. While Keirn had insisted on being the warrior of the group, somehow he had ended up as their token sorcerer.
            Which was all well and good, except he couldn’t cast any magic.
            Even the most basic cantrip escaped his mortal understanding. Almost as embarrassing, his childhood friend, Jeremiah, had ended up as their priest. His only problem was that he was an adamant atheist. Keirn suspected this radical stance arose from a rather disastrous relationship he once had with the village priest’s daughter. However, through either his austere moral compass or some secret religious devotion, Jeremiah had an uncanny ability to heal grievous injuries. He called it ‘holistic medicine’ and insisted it was a friendly nondenominational alternative form of healing that involves the understanding of both the functioning and interaction between the body and the mind and then utilizing that knowledge with the basic herbal curative properties to speed an individual’s natural recuperative abilities. He says holistic, everyone else says divine.
            He could see him, just below in the forest’s gulley. He knew it was a hallucination, there was no way he would be here now. His stocky frame looked oddly out of place in the snow covered Colvian woods. He always claimed he was descended from half giants, but Keirn suspected that he said this in defence of all the teasing from the village’s kids. But, for a half giant, he was pretty short. Though Keirn had never met one, he was sure they would be taller than him, and he was only a few inches over six feet himself.
            But in his mind’s eye, Jeremiah stood there, all noble and self righteous. He wasn’t in the battered chain mail. He didn’t carry the great two handed sword. No, he stood in his familiar worn shirt, tunic and ragged pants. The knees were still stained with dirt from poking around in his herb garden. And in his hands he held a steaming plate of meat and vegetables. What Keirn wouldn’t give for a hunk of meat cooked by his hands. Or even some vegetables covered with his famed gravy.
            He couldn’t even remember what they had fought over. Likely, it was something trivial. Recently they had been arguing over just about everything. Things like, whether they should spend the extra gold, of which they were running low on, to get a room at the inn with a bath or to save their coin and sleep in the stables. Whether they should head south for warmer territories or press on into the north to see some of the winter all of them had been missing. Or even whether they should untie that kidnapped civilian or if they should just loot their pockets and pretend they hadn’t seen him.
            In the end, Keirn suspected it was his choice words about Jeremiah’s ex that may have finally torn the rift between them.
            “You’re just jealous,” Jeremiah’s spectre accused as he took a large bite from the succulent roast in his hands.
            Keirn paused, gasping for breath. The cold air ripped at his throat and, even though he knew the young man standing in front of him wasn’t his friend, he couldn’t help but lower his hands to cover himself.
            “As delightful… as it would be… to banter with… my delusions…” Keirn gasped, “if you don’t… mind, I’d really like… to find… someplace warm…”
            Keirn had wondered if his life would flash before his eyes as he approached death’s door. Apparently his past would rather haunt him as he made his way up the front walk.
            “Admit it. You always wanted what me and Autumn had. You want an intimate relationship where you could share yourself with someone else, make yourself vulnerable and not be afraid of being hurt.”
            “No… That’s what… you’ve always thought… I wanted…” Keirn replied. “Remember… Calandria…?”
            Calandria had been the one moment when Jeremiah had interfered with Keirn’s personal life. Jeremiah often commented on how the ladies seemed to flock to Keirn’s side, fighting with themselves for the young man’s affections. He had spurned them all. Jeremiah felt he had found the perfect one, Baroness Calandria Del Morden. After a whirlwind courtship, Keirn had managed to accidentally get himself engaged to the Baroness just as Jeremiah and the others were discovering that Calandria had murdered her father, imprisoned her suitors and was hell bent on the complete domination of her kingdom. Tragically, she had thrown herself off the balcony during the very revolt she had staged herself, right before Keirn’s very eyes. Or, at least that is what Keirn maintained.
            Jeremiah, however, maintained a different opinion on the matter.
            “Clearly she doesn’t count. People don’t kill the ones they truly love.”
            “For… the last… time…. I didn’t kill… her… She threw herself…”
            “Off the balcony. Yes, the woman who at the very moment she had everything decided prematurely plunge eight stories to her death. Most people do that when they’re losing.”
            Jeremiah’s spectre took an unconvinced stance. Keirn couldn’t help but notice that the food had vanished from his hands as he crossed his arms across his chest.
            “You know… what your… problem… is?… You’re to damn… moral…”
            “Only for you would that be considered a problem…”
            “It is when you… hate yourself because… you can’t even live… up to your own… standards… No one’s… perfect…”
            “You always have to be right, don’t you!”
            “I don’t have… to be… I just… always am…”
            And with that, Keirn pushed past his friend, intent on finding some miserable place to curl up and die away from Jeremiah’s judgemental eye. His friend didn’t make an effort to follow. He never did. He never knew when to give up on something and when to pursue it. Maybe that’s why his relationship ended so badly.
            Or, it could have been because Autumn was utterly insane. Sometimes it was hard to tell.
            But as Keirn pressed on through the snow, he wasn’t entirely sure that there wasn’t any truth to Jeremiah’s words. Was he possibly running away from something, even now? Could there be something which he would rather take Death’s frigid embrace over instead of facing?
            As he stumbled through the sloped ridges of the small ravine, he didn’t have much time to ponder this disturbing line of thinking. Instead, he found Derrek. He was sitting upon an ice sheathed boulder, carefully tuning his lute and appearing rather oblivious to the cold that Keirn was trying desperately to forget.
            “Am I to be… haunted by all… the incompetent… people I know…” Keirn sighed.
            “Hey, don’t blame me,” Derrek replied, still examining his lute carefully, “I’m your delusion, you’re not mine.”
            “Then… as my delusion… I banish… thee…”
            He had meant to sound more forceful, but his voice was starting to crack. His throat was hoarse and seemed to scream out for some water. Or, more tantalizing, tea.
            Instead of obeying, which was actually rather a testament to how accurate Keirn hallucinated, Derrek instead leapt from his perch and strolled to Keirn’s side. He strummed absently at the instrument in his hands, his eyes still mirthfully twinkling. Out of all of them, Derrek was the most likely to benefit from their harrowing travels. He had the makings of a fine minstrel and was heart set on heading to the city once their journey was all over to join a wandering troupe as a bona fide playwright.
            Unfortunately, Derrek also felt himself somewhat of an inventor, specifically of a new type of music that would revolutionize the entertainment business. He dubbed it ‘noise’. Uncreative, but accurate. Keirn knew little about music but Derrek assured him that every song he produced had absolutely no harmony amongst its notes. And Keirn was apt to believe him as it was as bad as it sounded.
            “If…  you’re going to… bother me… could you at least… not play anything…” Keirn sighed.
            “But I wrote this for you,” Derrek replied. “I call it, The Ballad of Broken Wings.”
            The only thing that sounded nice was the title. Keirn could feel his teeth clenching as his ears were assaulted by the dreadful cacophony.
            “Is there… any purpose… to this visit… or are you here… to make this more painful… than it really is…”
            “I’m no more than I have ever been,” Derrek replied, fingers still twisting and snapping at the lute’s strings.
            “An… irritant?”
            “A friend, who’ll stick by your side no matter what.”
            There was something undeniably odd about Derrek that Keirn couldn’t quite put his finger on. He doubted that now, in the grip of pre-mortem madness, he was likely to unlock whatever secrets troubled that carefree smile. It was just another unnerving reminder of how you can know someone for a long time and still not understand them.
            “I thought… I told you… to go… away…” Keirn grunted, raising his sore and tired limbs in an attempt to cover his ears.
            “Well, it’s not my fault that you chased away all your good friends.”

            “I’m… quickly… remembering why…” Keirn hissed. He took a pointless swipe at Derrek. As his arm passed through his head, the image of the loud minstrel faded. The noise, however, lingered.

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The west wind blew strong and hard, sweeping up dust and sand as it made its way east. I loved to watch the dust skitter across the ground. Each speck running and dancing and hoping for flight. There were patterns there, I thought, secret patterns in the graceful curves and snaking movements of the sand. I would sit for hours beneath the hot, sunny sky watching those patterns.
There wasn’t anything else to do then. Not during that summer when the sun and the wind blew the earth and the people back to the east.
‘The Cuizalla is no place for foreigners’ my father said imperiously. ‘This is not some eastern valley that can be shaped by people. It is a land with its own mind and its own heart. You are either born to the land or not. No time will change that fact.’
The words were spoken often then, that summer.
The Cuizalla prairie they had called it when the first of the farmers staked claims on the western lands. Population drove them there, overcrowding, small farms, all of it had spurred the first few to travel into the west, into the unknown lands.
Beneath large blue skies they found flat land filled with grasses and wildflowers. Small streams worked their way along faint slopes in the ground.
The first of the settlers were surprised, and delighted with their surprise. They called for their relatives to join them in this vast land that held so much potential. It was a land of plenty. Only a few years later farmers, who worked hard and honestly, were able to harvest great crops. The wealth that this brought in started the small villages that grew into larger towns. Estate homes were built on large tracks of land owned by one or another family.
‘But did they take any notice of the people that lived here before they intruded with their large homes and excessive habits? No!’
My father added his commentary to the history I was supposed to learn for school. He has always claimed ancestry with the nomads of Cuizalla. But I was not so sure.
My teacher had explained to us that there were some nomadic tribes living on the Cuizalla prairie when the first settlers came. They were a skittish and backward people, small in number and primitive in their lives. He continued to explain that the few people the settlers did meet they tried to help, to show them how to be civilized. It worked, apparently, for some of the nomads married and became like the farmers on the lands.
But I have heard other stories. Ones of violence, blood shed and war. There are whispers that the nomads were angry at the foreigners invading their lands and attacked them. My friends brother, he told a good one about cannibalism and murder. It was very exciting to hear, but I don’t think it was very likely.
Some stories have the Cuizalla tribes fighting each other and the settlers getting involved, either by accident or on purpose. It doesn’t seem to matter, the end of the stories is always the same. The Cuizalla are either driven further west, or incorporated into the new blossoming society, or they are killed.
My father had his opinions too. He says they were driven from their lands by the settlers. That soldiers and paid fighters were called in from the east to clear the lands of their true people, the Cuizalla.
‘Slaughtered like cattle or driven further west and north. Robbed of their true home.’
‘But if they were nomads, why was it a problem for them to wander further west and north? There was not many of them anyway,’ I asked one time when I was still interested in such things.
‘It is not as easy as that. Nomads depend on the land as much as farmers, but instead of settling in one place and remaking the land to suit them, they wander long distances to find where the things they need grow naturally.’
I must have looked unconvinced, because my father tried to continue.
‘It is like, like … I don’t know, but it was better that way. Less harm to the land. More peaceful. You will understand when you are older.’
I still don’t understand. I don’t see how being a wanderer would have prevented the droughts that had gotten worse each year. Or made the rains stronger. I can’t see how wandering would help you survive, when there is nothing left to find.
Despite the years of prosperity and the generations that grew to depend on the land for their lives. The gods or the lands or fate itself had a change of heart.
I know when I was little I used to run through wide open fields, green and full of colourful flowers. I know that, but I can’t remember it. I can’t remember the green that coloured the land.
What I remember was yellow and brown, burnt grasses and dusty fields. The wind sweeping up the soil and the people and taking them away.
It started with one long hot summer.  The crops were not so good and more water was needed. Wells were dug deeper to save as many crops that could be.
No one worried at first, it was just one bad year. But the next year was not any better. The spring rains were short, the wells not deep enough to irrigate the fields through the entire summer. The sun was hot and forceful.
Was there a year or two of relief? Or did it just continue getting worse. I don’t remember, I was still young and did not pay attention to the concerns of adults.
The adults were concerned. They talked in tight voices and looked worriedly at the deep azure sky. Frowning at the sun that drew the waters from the land and wondering how they would survive. The farmers were descended from resilient settlers and they would not give up easily.
But the Cuizalla had a mind of its own.
The wells dried up. The land was bleached of all colour. The crisp, linear horizon became blurred with heat.
My father watched the failing crops and the failing people with a knowing sort of calm.
‘This land raises its own. It does not look kindly on the foreigners,’ he laughed shortly. ‘They called it the Cuizalla Prairie when they came. Right? Didn’t they teach you that in school? Well, they were wrong. It is not a prairie but a desert. Cuizalla means desert grass. It is not something that can be farmed and controlled. Ha! Well it serves them right.’
‘But what of us?’ I asked confused. Aren’t we farmers too? Didn’t we also depend on the land to survive.
‘We are Cuizallian. The land will take care of us.’
‘Wait and you will see. The land will talk to us, teach us what we need to know. Like it did for the first of our people that were born to this land.’
It was always difficult getting any information from my father.
They started leaving last summer. Just a few at first. The rest held to hope and little else. My father watched them go, sitting on our front porch, staring across to the distant horizon.
My best friends left with their families. Swept back east with the wind. Carried along with the dust and the sand. While the eye of the sun watched their retreat, never blinking.
I waited. I waited for my father to do something. Or for the wind to pick me up and take me with it. I waited to be claimed.
My father waited too. Silently, continuously he waited. His gaze watching the shimmering, insubstantial horizon, waiting.
One day the sun and the wind took him. I don’t know where, but I know it wasn’t to the east. Perhaps he was claimed by distant Cuizallian ancestors and taken further west.
I was alone, still waiting. Sweat trickled down my back, while the wind, hot as the sun above, coated me with dust. There beneath the bleached blue sky, I watched the flow of sand. Tiny rivers in a barren landscape, where colour had been abandoned.
I watched the horizon, the wavering space between the burnt earth and the blue, blue sky. Sometimes I thought I saw things coming out of that fluid space; strange dark shapes that moved restlessly. Perhaps it was all my imagination.
It felt like forever, the waiting. Beneath the unblinking sun that darkened my skin to a deep nut brown. Sun, wind, and dust. I don’t remember night; moon or stars, just the day and the heat and the movement of the wind.
I don’t remember them coming either. I don’t remember the journey. And I only barely remember waking up confused, with friendly and distantly familiar faces hovering above. I remember their tears and their worried looks. And later I remember their smiles as I adjusted to my new adopted family in the east.